Jim Freeman ~ 1945 to 2021 Jim Freeman passed away November 2, 2021. Jim was born on November 19th, 1945....
Pizen Switch Times
03/16/2022: Pizen Switch Times thanks Misty Stevens for the following photos and news regarding Kutoven's dream coming true: Signing on...
03/22/2022: The Optimist Club of Reno, Nevada, established in 1940, presented Kutoven Stevens of Mason Valley with the Extraordinary Youth...
Director of Joint and Domestic Operations promoted to Colonel: 03/22/2022 Nevada National Guard wrote: "Brett Compston, 47, of Reno, was...
LYON COUNTY ELECTION AND CANDIDATE INFORMATION This year, Lyon County will have a full slate of candidates for local offices....
West Walker River flowing through Wilson Canyon from Smith Valley toward Mason Valley on October 21, 2021. ~LMW
Press Release from Lyon County Sheriff's Office on Saturday, March 19th, 2022 at 5pm: Valentina Bonaparte KTVN, 03/19/2022:"400 to 500...
Rolland 'Rollie' Lyons: February 20, 1927 - March 15, 2022 Rolland 'Rollie' Lyons went to be with the Lord in the...