October 25, 2024

The Pizen Switch Times

Established 2021

Mentor/Coach Lupe Cabada, Kutoven Stevens, University of Oregon Coach Ben Thomas

Kutoven Stevens is a Duck ! Signs with the University of Oregon X-Country, Track & Field Teams

03/16/2022: Pizen Switch Times thanks Misty Stevens for the following photos and news regarding Kutoven’s dream coming true: Signing on with the University of Oregon Ducks to run for Coach Ben Thomas and Coach Robert Johnson in both Cross Country and Track & Field.

Misty wrote: Last week, “We drove up to Eugene, Oregon and met with Coach Ben Thomas, who offered Ku a spot on the cross country team and the track team. Ku will be the first native student athlete at the U of O. It was a 9 hour private tour and we met so many wonderful people, checked out the dorm he will be living in, and were welcomed into the Many Nations Longhouse at the end. We are so thrilled that Ku’s dream is coming true!! He has to sign some papers today and then watch for the official announcement on the U of O track and field site. Thank you to the huge village that has supported Ku in so many ways to get him here. Special gratitude t0 Mary Williams with her amazing ACE grant and Saundra Hedrick-Mitrovich for coordinating the tour and meeting with U of O and arranging all of our travel. Extra special thanks to Coach Lupe Cabada for training Ku to a collegiate level, couldn’t have done it without you! You did it Kubear!! We are so proud of you, love you so much! Share the news! GO DUCKS!!”