James M. Freeman, Jr. (Jim), beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother, passed away on November 2, 2021, from complications after...
Mary Adeline Adams January 8, 1927 - December 2, 2021 On December 2, 2021, Mary Adams passed away at age...
Keith Cunningham wrote: "I am shocked and saddened by the sudden loss of Shelley Cunningham whom I always thought of...
Dorothy Jean Henley : June 21, 1931 - December 7, 2021 Dorothy Jean Henley passed away on Tuesday, December 7,...
Bitter cold temperatures did not dampen the high spirits of holiday cheer on Saturday evening in downtown Yerington, Nevada. December...
Arnie Shafer grew up in Mason Valley, Nevada. Many of us remember going to school with him, seeing his smiling...
December 16, 2021, The Lyon County Board of Commissioners will be asked to propose two ordinances. The first is an...