Article and photographs by guest journalist Chris Brown They’re Back!!! The Yerington Lions Football squads are back in action! White...
Yerington, Nevada ~ On Friday, June 2, 2023 at 6pm on Martin Field, Yerington High School will be presenting 80+...
Yerington, Nevada ~ By Michelle Evasovic The Yerington Lions Baseball team takes Zone and heads to State! After an...
Sheriff Brad Pope of Lyon County Sheriff's Office - Nevada wrote: Message of the Week 04/14/2023 There are numeRous questions,...
Yerington High School Educator Mrs. Aldridge announced that YHS senior Farrah Bader, placed 3rd in Nevada at Poetry Out Loud...
YHS Educator Mrs. Aldridge announced that Yerington High School junior, and Western Nevada College Jumpstart student, Lily Trunk earned the...
Smith Valley, Nevada ~ 03/10/2023 ~ Smith Valley Schools reported: "Our incredible students...In light of the recent storm system, some...
University of Nevada, Reno ~ Rota Rosaschi, who has deep roots in Mason Valley, continues to be recognized by Colleagues,...
Coach Angela Scianari announced that the Yerington Intermediate School 7th Grade Girls Volleyball are the Sagebrush Champions. The YIS Lady...
YHS Junior Lily Trunk Earns 1st Place at Lions Club International NV State Zone 1-D Speak Up Contest
The Yerington Lion's Club hosted their Zone 1-D Speak Up Contest on March 1,2023 at their clubhouse. Yerington High School...