Pizen Switch Times thanks Yerington Elementary School Teacher Miss Angela Sciarani for the following WONDERFUL news: Miss Sciarani wrote: "We...
Yerington Elementary School Principal Shannon Coombs contacted the Pizen Switch Times on Friday, October 15th, 2021 and wrote: "...Attached are...
Pizen Switch Times thanks Educator Ms. Angela Sciarani for the following news article and for her ongoing inspiration to her...
Nevada Congressional District 4 In mid July, Representative Steven Horsford for Congressional District 4 announced that 1 of 9 community...
Sierra Sage Academy in Mason Valley, Nevada operates with the oversight of Program Director Rebeka Graham who earned Bachelor's and...
Leah Wilkinson writes: "when I was a student at Yerington High School, some of my most life-enriching experiences were becoming...
Reported by Dawn DeHaven Gordillo The YHS Class of ‘79 formed an Alumni (all classes) Scholarship fund for any student...
Dawn Rafferty graciously submitted these photos. There may be someone here that you remember. A few of these kids pictured...
According to an article in CarsonNow.org (https://www.carsonnow.org/story/06/10/2021/china-spring-youth-camp-boy-s-program-douglas-county-temporarily-closes?fbclid=IwAR2ZK4vRLLFmcMnlokEu6zikO-0tdMuwyGPp4ash1XkwrC650IGmsSuYGJ4) Submitted by Jeff Munson on Thu, 06/10/2021 as a Douglas County news release: "China...
Yerington High School members of Future Farmers of America surprised residents in the Dr. Mary Wing West (Long Term Care)...