Message of the Week 11/01/2024
Welcome to November!
If you follow the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office social media accounts, you are aware that we participated in numerous Trunk or Treats throughout the County. The Trunk or Treats were well coordinated by the hosts and participants. The Deputies who participated handed out hundreds of pounds of candy, pencils, and stickers.
One observation I had during the several Trunk or Treats I participated in was how polite the kids were. Almost all said “thank you” and were not as shy about approaching law enforcement as they were in past events. I hope this is a sign that the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office’s mission to break down barriers between our youth and law enforcement is working.
Halloween seemed to be very quiet and safe from a law enforcement perspective last night. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to check your child’s or spouse’s candy and make sure it is safe to eat.
Election Day is next week; on Tuesday, I remind everyone to remain civil at the poll locations, do your patriotic duty, and cast your vote. I am very confident that our Clerk-Treasurer has coordinated an efficient, safe, and secure election this November.
We are gearing up for Shop with a Sheriff, and the community donations that make this event possible have been greatly appreciated. We continue to post our supporters on our page, and I know the less fortunate children who will receive a Christmas because of that support also appreciate it. Have a great fall weekend, and stay safe.
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