PUBLIC NOTICE OPEN PLANNING COMMISSION POSITION The Lyon County Board of Commissioners is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on...
Anaconda EPA Public Mtg Notice & Agenda 2024 Dec 10Download
Lyon County Sheriff's Office - Nevada Jail Bookings 11/03/2024-11/10/2024 Arresting Agency: Lyon County Sheriff's Office: 21 State of Nevada: 3...
At the Lyon County Board of Commissioners meeting on November 7, 2024, Sheriff Brad Pope presented Deputy Trevor Bonds with...
BOCC 11.7.24 Summary - Media ReleaseDownload
Message of the Week 11/8/2024 In the coming weeks, online shopping will become more frequent, creating opportunity for thieves and...
Carson City, Nevada - On November 7th, 2024, Lyon County Sheriff's Office reported, "Deputy Bristow, Deputy Frontuto, Deputy Reyes, Deputy...