"It takes a village to accomplish this, and we’d love more people to become part of the family.” YERINGTON, Nev....
Churches, Clubs & Organizations
Pizen Switch Times Editor Leah Moore Wilkinson writes: "My mother Estelle Moore caught polio in 1948 when she was 14...
June Matheus, Bi-Valley RPEN President writes: There will be no Bi-Valley September 28 RPEN Meeting for Yerington/Smith Valley Chapters....
Grange Horse Contest: Judging & Hippology~September 18th at the Lyon County Fairgrounds in Yerington
~ Carolynn Chamlee, Northern Lyon County Coordinator for Grange wrote: "Good Afternoon, ...We are working on growing our own Grange...
~Written by Bi-Valley RPEN President June Matthews The NV RPEN (Retired Public Employees of Nevada) State Convention is set for...
***Update***09/03/2021 Due to the recent surge in the Coronavirus in the area, the Yerington Rotary Club and their partner PEO...
It's back! The Joe Giomi Golf Tournament had to take a hiatus in 2020 due to the Coronavirus, but golfers...
***Update*** REMINDER!! RPEN MEMBERS Picnic at Mt.View Park TIME 11:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. TUESDAY AUG.24. An entree will be...
Article submitted by June Matheus: The Retired Public Employees of Nevada (RPEN) Bi-Valley Chapter represents members in Yerington/SmithValley. Our current...
Nancy Park who resides at Mason Valley's River Split Ranch is spearheading the 1st annual "Yerington's Nights" as a series...