Getting to know our contributing Photojournalists: Featuring Roberta Bryant by Richard Massey As Pizen Switch Times readers, we are fortunate...
Written by Richard Massey Jim Benterou became interested in photography while in high school. It wasn’t a photography class that...
Sheep Stampede! By Jim Benterou This past week, a herd of 700 sheep (and a handful of goats) made their...
The Kit Carson Blue Line Trail By Richard Massey The Historic Coleman House - Illustrates the beautiful detail typical of...
The Bighorn Crossing at Walker Lake by Richard Massey Last week I was on my way to Hawthorne for a...
Pictures With Impact by Richard Massey Folks often ask why I take so many pictures of the same subject. Even...
Charlie, the Hard-Headed Flicker By Richard Massey I first met Charlie on a cold, frosty morning in late December. With...
The Smith and Mason Valley Chapter of RPEN met for an early and crisp 8:30am meeting last Tuesday (11/28/2023) with...
The Hometown Nutcracker 2023 was "written and produced by Karen Pederson and Cathe Faretto in collaboration with Karen "Kay" Hardesty;...
Behind the shot: A purposeful walk through a manicured onion field with Photojournalist Richard Massey I recently had the pleasure...