January 22, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Getting to Know Our Contributing Photojournalists: Featuring Roberta Bryant

Getting to know our contributing Photojournalists: Featuring Roberta Bryant

by Richard Massey

As Pizen Switch Times readers, we are fortunate to have some very talented and generous contributors.

We recently featured the outstanding work by Jim Benterou who has graced our pages with fascinating stories and beautiful images.

Today we share the work of another very talented photographer and writer, Roberta Bryant. Roberta has been part of the Pizen Switch family practically from the start. Anyone who has followed the early Yerington Facebook pages is probably already familiar with her work. Her nature photos and children’s stories built around her images have long been a source of education and enjoyment to our community.

Young Great-Horned Owl:


It was through the Yerintgon Facebook page that our PSTimes Editor, Leah Wilkinson, saw Roberta’s work and asked her to contribute to the fledgling Pizen Switch Times. From her earliest work to her recent contributions, images and stories have been a steady source of inspirations and have shed a very positive light on our community.

Mirrored image of Lahontan Dam:


Cooper’s Hawk feeding:


At an early age Roberta was inspired to try photography by her parents who gave Roberta her first point-n-shoot camera when she was just ten. Mom’s support came in the form of encouragement and as a reliable source for getting Roberta’s film developed. Her camera was always along on neighborhood adventures and family outings.


Growing up in the Redding/Shasta area, she wasn’t seriously involved in photography while in school. Years later, her reputation as a talented photograper with strong organizational skills was recognized by her high school’s reunion committee and she was asked to be their chairperson. The position involved organizing numerous programs, invitations, photo albums, and displays. This has been a labor of love for many years.


Her photography was further encouraged by Ron, her husband and a fellow photographer. At their house on the outskirts of town, they have a small-scale wildlife center in their backyard. With numerous feeders, bird baths, nesting boxes, and man-made wildlife shelters, they have a steady supply of colorful and fascinating photo subjects.



Bullock’s Oriole:                                                                                  Badger:


Rufous Hummingbird :                                                                         Porcupine:



You may have seen Roberta’s pictures and never knew they were hers. In addition to the Pizen Switch Times and the Yerington Facebook, her pictures have been on the Channel 8 TV weather news. One of her specialties is capturing awe-inspiring weather conditions. As she says, “The most dramatic lighting and cloud formations are found during a storm or shortly after. My favorite time to be outside with my camera is right after a clearing storm when the air is fresh, the wind has died down, and the animals are active.”


Mason Valley Sunrise at 5:45am:                                                     Brilliant Cactus Bloom:


In case you haven’t already guessed, her favorite photo subjects are wildlife (especially birds), cloud formations, and her dog, Cody. Cody, a handsome black Lab, is her constant companion on photo outings. Her favorite locations for wildlife photos are her backyard and the Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area.

A most unusual and rather exciting photo outing took place last year when a California company was upgrading the massive power towers and lines in the distant hills behind her property. The project involved all types of heavy equipment including huge cranes, pulleys, and helicopters. The project went on for weeks and Roberta was there capturing all the action. The company used many of her images in their publications and for training.

Roberta gains inspiration from photographers in publications such as Nevada Magazine, National Geographic, and International Wildlife. Her favorite photographer is Ansel Adams.

Roberta’s Eclipse Perspective:


With Roberta’s recent purchase of a new Canon camera and super-telephoto lens, we can look forward to many more outstanding images from this talented artist. She plans to put the new gear to use during an upcoming photo adventure to Alaska.

 Photojournalist Roberta Bryant at the Walker River, north east of Yerington, Nevada:


Aside from photography, one of her major accomplishments was gaining the title of the 75-year-old grandma that climbed Mt. Lassen. Some might consider Roberta to be a senior-citizen adrenaline-junkie when they hear that in the near future, on her 80th birthday, Roberta is going skydiving!

Richard Massey, photo by Robin Travis


Richard Massey is an international award-winning photojournalist and freelance-writer. He has a passion for film and does much of his photography using vintage film cameras…as seen here. His interest in teaching has led him to start a photography YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChdW0Jjsca47EpKE5N_jtag