YHS Students in the 1970s had the opportunity to act in the memorable high school theatrical performances directed by Yerington High School Art Teach Harold Beck.
One of those students, David Moyle, wrote, “Over the Moyle high school years, my mom Celia Moyle, saved original posters from the plays Harold Beck put on that featured one or more of the Moyle kids. I took photos of these recently and wanted to share with all my Yerington friends. These posters were created in Mr. Beck’s art class. There’s also an original silk screen (I think?) of a cyclist by the talented Eric Hyne who probably had a hand in creating some of the posters.”
Eric Hyne: “Wonderful posters. Mr. Beck was a talented artist and an excellent teacher.”

Kathi Tanner Arigoni shared: “Fabulous collection! I remember attending most of them, and Denise’s (Moyle) amazing performance as Helen Keller. You were quite the actors back then, as I recall. Bless your mom’s heart for holding into to those memories for you.”

Mary Jo Spyrow: “The only play I was in, my senior year. So much fun wished I would have done all four years.”
From Carol Schaechterle Loranger:
‘I played “Sister” in Damn Yankees and was just a member of the company for Lil Abner. Great memories!’

Harold Beck’s niece, Holly Beck Barbarigos, said, “My uncle would be amazed that these are still in existence!! What a great piece of YHS history!!”
To which Kevin Moyle replied, “I had the privilege of being a cast member in 5 productions, backstage crew in one and orchestra in another. And I got to take photos for the yearbook, capturing the moment Helen Keller has her epiphany at the well! Those were all magical experiences! Your uncle was truly gifted! I can’t imagine a more wonderful experience for small town high school students anywhere in America!”

Lee Ann Gallagher: “Well, I was in Oliver, Good News, Teahouse of the August Moon, and The Diary of Anne Frank, so I remember those. I also took my senior students to watch Our Town which truly made an impact on them.
Lovely posters, lovely memories, and deepest respect for all that Mr. Beck taught us.”
John Crawford: “Mr. Kidder deputized me to ‘conduct’ the pit band so he could play the trumpet part. First time for everything! Last time too.”

SA Scoggin remembered: “Playing in the orchestra for some of the musicals – great fun and great entertainment when Mr. Kidder and Mr. Beck would feud over some minor point of the play. Two prima donnas trying to share the same space.”
Venetia Wilhelmsen: “I loved being in our plays. I have 3 granddaughters who are following in Grandma’s foot steps.”

Deloras Barton Simmons: “I was in Damn Yankees. One of the house wives. I came out like I was pregnant and Mr. Beck about died. Great memories.”
Kurt Adams: “I was in a few of them. I was Red Chief.”

Amy Smith: “Mr. Beck was such a fantastic drama/art teacher. I went to several of these plays when I was young, and was in the Merry Widow when I got to high school. His plays were magical.”
Dawn DeHaven Gordillo: “Arsenic and Old Lace, The Merry Widow…”
Toni Thomas Inserra: “Bye Bye Birdie. The Crucible. Lil Abner. I remember Denise (Moyle) in Oliver. She was amazing.”

Heather Gang: ‘Wow, you guys were in a lot of them! I was in “I Remember Mama.”’

Leslie Lemieux wrote: “I remember being in ‘Peter Pan’. Just a small extra part. I think I played one of the Indians. I remember seeing ‘I Remember Mama’ and ‘A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum’ and who could ever forget ‘Bye-Bye Birdie’. It was fabulous what great memories thanks for sharing.”

So many great memories, sparked by Celia Moyle’s attention to detail in saving these original posters from YHS plays that the talented & inspiring Mr. Harold Beck directed…Thank you, David, for sharing these treasures!

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