February 4, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Firetrucks & Helicopters: 38 Local RPEN Retired Public Employees Enjoy Tour

Bi-Valley RPEN had a great turnout of 38 members for the April tour of the Mason Valley Fire Department with Fire Chief Scott Draper describing the emergency response vehicles and their special uses.

The 2nd part of the tour took place at the Yerington Airport where Joey Loehner, CEO of Battle Born Medevac, gave the Smith & Mason Valley RPEN members a close-up look at the rescue helicopter. Joey summarized the licensing process that Battle Born Medevac is going through and the membership insurance that the company is working on.

The Bi-Valley RPEN Members invite all Public Employees of Nevada, county & municipal, plus; (including current public employees who are 50 years of age and older) to attend one of our meetings to consider joining. Bi-Valley RPEN offers comprehensive retirement information; community updates; fun social interactions with a friendly group of people!


Information about the next Smith & Mason Valleys RPEN: https://pizenswitchtimes.com/events/bi-valley-rpen-meeting-scheduled-for-may-28-2024-guest-speaker-janet-cassidy/