October 23, 2024

The Pizen Switch Times

Established 2021

Lyon County Sheriff Brad Pope’s Message of the Week 01/12/2024

Message of the Week 01/12/2024

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office utilizes State and Federal grant monies to operate efficiently. Grants are an important source of funding for the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office, as they provide a way for the Sheriff’s Office to acquire the resources and equipment they need to effectively serve and protect our community.

In 2023, we put a dedicated Fiscal Analyst in place: Rebecca Martinez handles the financial aspect of the Sheriff’s Office and the grant management of the Sheriff’s Office. She has done an excellent job; below are the grants the Sheriff’s Office manages or obtained for the fiscal year 2023-2024. (July 1 2023 – June 30th, 2024)

School Resource Officer Grant:

The Lyon County School District awarded the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office with a maximum grant award of $360,000.00. This partnership funds three Category 1 certified Deputies to be School Resource Officers in Lyon County schools.

Bullet Proof Vest Program:

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office is awarded $27,029.74 through a Federal grant. This grant reimburses the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office for 1/2 of the cost of the Bullet Proof vests for our Deputies. These bullet proof vests have a 5 year life span, and are constantly rotated.

Office of Traffic Safety Grant:

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office was awarded $37,000.00 from the State of Nevada. This grant reimburses the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office for Deputies overtime spent conducting traffic stops. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office joins with other agencies who received the grant to increase law enforcement presence in problematic areas.

Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior:

BIA has granted the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office a minimum of $ 166,500.00 per fiscal year. This agreement pays for 185 bed days per month to house Tribal Police Department arrests.

Nevada Department of Public Safety, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance:

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team was awarded $29,950.00 from this State Grant. This grant funded LCSO SWAT Team with night vision capabilities.

U. S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance:

BJA FY 23 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) awarded the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office $17,258.00. This grant will fund a retrofit to patrol vehicles, with more accessible gun locks for our rifles (Deputy accessible).

Nevada Department of Public Safety, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance Grant:

Project title: Handheld Drug Analyzers, 20-JAG-38. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office was awarded $59,504.00. This grant money will fund the purchase of 2 – TruNarc handheld testers along with the supplies to run each unit. These analyzers allow Deputies to identify narcotics without physically opening the package. With Fentanyl use on the rise this a much needed tool for officer safety.

In total the Lyon County Sheriff’s received $697,241.74 in grant funding so far for this fiscal year. Our Fiscal Analyst continues to search for grant opportunities to improve the services to the communities of Lyon County, and improve on the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office ability to provide those services. Stay warm, and please drive with caution on these icy roads.

Sheriff Brad Pope