News Release
December 22, 2023
Commissioners Wrap Up 2023 with Annual Reports and Adoption of Regional Hazard Mitigation and Community Wildfire Protection Plans
Yerington, Nevada – The Lyon County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met for the final time of 2023 on Thursday, December 21st and heard year-end reports from County officials, including the Lyon County Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2022-2023 presented by Comptroller Josh Foli. Comptroller Foli reported, “Overall, Lyon County has been experiencing positive economic conditions, but is seeing some leading indicators of declining revenue in the future.” Declining trends can be attributed to liquor and real property transfer taxes decreased in 2023. Further, the County is closely monitoring the US Federal Reserve’s plans to decrease interest rates in 2024.
The report also summarizes the County’s long-term financial plan and independent audit report. Those who wish to obtain a true understanding of the financial condition and results of operations of Lyon County are encouraged to review the audit report, including the detailed notes to the financial statements, which are an integral part of the statements. The audit firm Sciarani & Co. reported no findings during their review and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Lyon County Regional Hazard Mitigation and Community Wildfire Protection Plans
The Commissioners approved a resolution adopting the 2023 Lyon County Regional Hazard Mitigation plan. The Lyon County Office of Emergency Management facilitated a several month long planning process to gather community and stakeholder feedback in order to identify and define hazards that impact Lyon County as well as select strategies that will guide the County in reducing the impacts of future disasters.
As part of the Hazard Mitigation Plan update, Lyon County supported regional stakeholders in the development of a 2023 Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The CWPP was developed by contract agency Resource Concepts, Inc. on behalf of the Nevada Division of Forestry with support by local fire protection districts.
Both plans are available to view on the Hazard Mitigation page of the Lyon County website.
Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Awards Stork Pin
Sheriff Brad Pope presented Dispatcher Jacki Greer with a Stork Pin for successfully helping a family deliver a healthy baby on March 2, 2023. Sheriff Pope reported childbirth related calls are considered rare and are beyond the normal duties for dispatchers. Dispatcher Greer remained calm, was reassuring, and helped the family through a stressful situation while dispatching the appropriate resources to respond.
Other BOCC Action Items
Commissioners also took action on the following items:
- Acknowledged the resignations of Gina Lee and Morgen Brown from the Dayton Regional Advisory Board, Gina Lee from the Central Lyon County Parks & Recreation Board, and Charles Lawson from the Debt Management Commission.
- Approved the business license department in the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office to close delinquent and non-compliant accounts.
- Approved the purchase of a scissor lift for Lyon County Facilities in the amount of $20,666.
- Approved the relocation of an electrical panel at Dressler Park into the well building in the amount of $10,676.
- Approved a contract with Resource Concepts, Inc. for the amount not to exceed $100,000 for on-call watershed management professional services related to the USGS middle Carson River Basin Groundwater Flow Model and the Carson River Watershed Regional Drought and Water Sustainability Plan update.
- Approved a contract with Lumos & Associates for an amount not to exceed $355,610 for surveying, geotechnical and engineering design services for the Highway 50 Sewer Replacement Project, Phase 2 in Dayton.
- Authorized Commissioner Hendrix, Commissioner Keller, and County Manager Andrew Haskin travel to the 2024 National Association of Counties Legislative Conference in Washington DC February 10-13, 2024.
Lyon County would like to wish the community a very happy and safe holiday season!
The complete agenda and back up materials are posted online at
For more information, visit our website and follow our Facebook page Residents can view the full recording of the Board of County Commission meeting on the Lyon County YouTube Channel.
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