March 14, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Lyon County Sheriff Brad Pope’s Message of the Week ~ December 8th, 2023

Message of the Week 12/08/2023

A continuing goal of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office is to create partnerships with our community, and other governmental agencies in Lyon County. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office partnership with the Lyon County School District is a partnership that continues to expand. In April, that partnership lead to the adoption of a zero tolerance policy of crimes committed in our schools. The adoption of the zero tolerance policy was a new direction for the Sheriff’s Office and one of many new directions of the Lyon County School District.

To illustrate the positive changes the zero tolerance policy has made, statistics were tabulated from the beginning of the school year last year, to December 1st of last year(2022), and the beginning of the school year this year to December 1st (2023). Here are those statistics:
The Lyon County School District also cites the following factors that have contributed to the positive change:
  • LCSD Student Bill of Rights and Portrait of a Learner
  • Multi- Tiered Systems of Support which included Positive Behavior Interventions & Support
  • New “Character Strong” Social Emotional Learning curriculum in secondary schools
  • Training staff and students regarding the zero tolerance emphasis on illicit behavior
  • Strong partnership with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office and Yerington Police Department

I have often spoken of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office returning as community leaders at the forefront of creating true community partnerships in Lyon County. The Deputies and staff of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office work hard every day to ensure this is possible. The Lyon County School District also works hard to ensure that this partnership is sustainable, productive, and has a positive outcome for our children. Together we are heading in the right direction.

Sheriff Brad Pope