News Release
September 11, 2023
Commissioners Hear Update on Truckee Canal Extraordinary Maintenance Project Litigation and Take Action During September 7, 2023 Meeting
Yerington, Nevada – The Lyon County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met on Thursday, September 7, 2023 and heard a presentation by David H. Rigdon, representing the City of Fernley, on the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Truckee Canal Extraordinary Maintenance project, impacts from the project, and the status of associated litigation. The Bureau of Reclamation completed an Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision in 2020 recommended lining the whole 12.7 miles of the canal with a geomembrane and concrete liner in a series of phases. The beginning phase of the project lines roughly 3.5 miles of the canal and will cost an estimated $35 million. The Truckee Canal Irrigation District (TCID) entered into a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation for water right users to repay the costs of the project over 50 years, thus imposing assessments on water right holders to pay for the project obligations. The City of Fernley will be assessed approximately $2.5 million over the next 50 years for the project. According to Mr. Rigdon, this project will negatively impact residents and businesses by reducing the amount of water absorbed from the canal into the groundwater system. According to an independent study commissioned by the City of Fernley, impacts from the project over 40 years include water levels will fall by 90 feet and 71% of domestic wells will fail. Lyon County Commissioners voted unanimously to direct staff to work with the City of Fernley to draft a resolution in support of the City’s position on the Truckee Canal Extraordinary Maintenance project and for staff to provide additional recommendations. Commissioner Jacobson also requested staff to invite the Bureau of Reclamation to present at a future BOCC meeting.
South Lyon Medical Center Second Phase of Life Event
South Lyon Medical Center is hosting a Second Phase of Life event on Friday, September 22, 2023 for seniors and older adults to connect with resources from the hospital, law enforcement, emergency medical services, human services, state agencies, and more. The event will be held at the Pioneer Crossing Convention Center. More information is available on the South Lyon Medical Center website
Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Activities:
Sheriff Brad Pope presented two Life Saving Awards to Deputy Levi Bell and Deputy Ariana Mendoza. On July 20, 2023, Deputy Bell and Deputy Mendoza took action during a welfare check which likely saved the life of an 81-year-old male, according to the letter of recommendation provided by Sgt. J. Redmond.
Sheriff Pope shared that the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office hired a School Resource Officer for schools in Silver Springs and is working with the School District to explore adding a second SRO position in Fernley. Sheriff Pope reminded the community of the zero tolerance policy in schools.
BOCC Action Items:
The Lyon County BOCC also took action on the following items:
- Approved a request for a Zoning Map amendment from Aspen Creek, 2022, LLC, to reconfigure the zoning boundaries of a dual-zoned, 612,85-acre parcel to align with current floodplain map boundaries. In addition, Commissioners approved the request for a Tentative Subdivision Map from Aspen Creek 2022, LLC to create a 499-lot single-family residential subdivision on a 612.85-acre parcel (APN 016-023-02).
- Appointed Shannon Lee Cresola to the Planning Commission. Motion by Commissioner Hockaday and approved with three commissioners in support (Hockaday, Jacobson, Henderson) and two opposed (Keller, Hendrix).
- Appointed M. Kameron Hawkins (December 31, 2023) and Celeste A. Thornhill (expiring December 31, 2024) to the Smith Valley Park and Recreation Board.
- Acknowledged the resignation of Charlotte F. Guthrie from the Lyon County Fair Board.
- Approved a payment of $30,950.00 for a storm drain easement across APNs 016-341-08, 016-341-34 and 016-341-35. From Cardelli ditch
- Approved a five-year masterplan for the 911 telephone surcharge.
- Approved an improvement agreement between Lyon County and Copper Canyon 2016, LLC for Copper Canyon 2016, LLC to make a certain improvements in the NDOT right of way and to authorize the county make an application, with the landowner responsible for all the costs and maintenance, and to authorize the County Manager to sign.
- Approved a notice of award to the lowest responsive bidder, American Road Maintenance, in the amount of $302,525.50 for the Silver Springs Airport to rehabilitate Runway 06/24 and Taxiway A.
The complete agenda and back up materials are posted online at
For more information, visit our website and follow our Facebook page Residents can view recordings of previous Board of County Commission meetings on the Lyon County YouTube Channel.
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