March 12, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021


The Board of Commissioners tabled how to spend approximately $390,000.00 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA funding at the September 16, 2021 meeting in Dayton. Comptroller Josh Foli presented the item explaining that the item was on the agenda as the Board had already continued the discussion from a Board meeting in August. He explained that the Healthy Communities Coalition had requested funding to remodel and build their Dayton Food Pantry and that Central Lyon County Fire Protection District was requesting funding for an ambulance. Foli explained that CLCFPD had provided him with statistics that established that ARPA funding could be used to pay for a percentage of the ambulance but could not pay for 100% of the purchase unless CLCFPD had the data to show the replacement transported COVID patients 100% of the time.

Healthy Communities Coalition Executive Director Wendy Madson presented the Board with an overview of the services provided, funding streams, and operations of the Dayton Food Bank. Madson explained that the Dayton Food Bank provides services to 700-1000 people in the Dayton area every month. In addition to traditional Food Pantry services, the Dayton location provides services to assist people to get above poverty. The Food pantry is a one-stop-shop for citizens for services including:

  • School Gardens WIC
  • SNAP
  • Weekend Food Backpacks for Student
  • Nutrition Education
  • Healthy Recipes
  • Seniors Eating Well
  • Gardening Classes
  • Rx Pantry
  • Farmers Markets
  • Rural Nevada Health Initiative Senior Coupons

28.4% of the people served are 18 years of age or younger, 22.6% are over the age of 60, 7.8% are veterans and 49.1% are 19 to 59 years of age. Healthy Communities Coalition’s request would enclose a 60′ X 40″ Pavillion, enhance restrooms and office space and provide facilities for education and classes.

CLCFPD Chief Rich Harvey advised the Board that they are seeking funding to replace an ambulance. He explained that approximately 40% of their call volume this past year has been for COVID patients or patients with COVID symptoms. CLCFPD ambulances generate 60,000 miles annually as they have to transport patients to Carson or Reno because there is no hospital in the Central Lyon corridor. CLCFPD provides an all-hazards response, fire prevention, and EMS to the residents of Moundhouse, Silver City, Dayton, Stagecoach, and Silver Springs. CLCFPD request would purchase an ambulance for approximately $220,000.00

The Board engaged in discussion about delaying a decision as there may be other applicants for this funding. Commissioner Henderson questioned where these additional applicants were. Commissioner Keller explained that some prospective applicants were working with staff to determine if their requests met the criteria for ARPA funding. Comptroller Josh Foli reminded the Board that the County would be receiving another round of funding in May 2022. A motion was made to continue this discussion at a later date. Commissioner Henderson voiced concern about kicking the can down the road and that the Board should take action on the proposals today.

County Manager Jeff Page advised the Board that he has been asked why the County was not providing any funding to the Cities of Fernley and Yerington. He explained that both cities received their own ARPA funding and that the Board had approved a number of projects to enhance sewer infrastructure in Dayton, Silver Springs, and Mason Valley, to purchase Personal Protective Equipment, and to fund Human Services to support indigent services, behavioral health services, and child care services.

The Board voted 3-2 (Keller, Gray, and Hockaday in favor and Jacobson and Henderson against) to continue the item.

Healthy Communities Coalition Presentation

ARPA First Round Funding

Jeffery A. Page
Lyon County Manager/Emergency Management Director