The Board of Commissioners approved, on September 16, 2021, the County Managers’ request to draft a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solid Waste Disposal (Garbage pick up and disposal). County Manager Jeff Page requested authorization to move forward with drafting an RFP. Page explained that he will have Community Development begin drafting the document to include the proposed changes at the August 24, 2021 workshop.
Commissioner Gray requested that Board members be provided draft copies as soon as possible so that they can review and offer suggested revisions. Page explained that Lyon County is currently working under an expired Franchise Agreement with Waste Management that serves the unincorporated areas of Lyon County. August 24, 2021, the Board conducted a public workshop to discuss concerns and ideas to be considered. The Board expressed the following:
- Transfer Stations in Dayton, Silver Springs, Mason Valley, and Smith Valley with consistent hours of operation
- Single Franchise with the option to subcontract
- Additional transfer station vouchers or vouchers that do not have an expiration date
- Vouchers for not-for-profits that provide trash and debris clean up on public lands
- Possible increase in the Franchise fee
- Rates reviewed annually by the Board of Commissioners
- Local contact person for customer inquiries
- Demolition/Construction is excluded
- Roll off container fees reduced and excluded under the conditions of owner builder/property management clean up
- Green waste disposal programs through fire protection districts authorized within the franchise
- Additional carts for residential service to be charged for cart only
Commissioner Keller requested specific language that clearly allows Lyon County to build, operate, contract, and maintain a landfill if one becomes available during the life of the franchise.
Staff will develop an RFP and bring it back to the BOCC for approval. Upon approval, staff will advertise the RFP and bring back a Resolution for the BOCC to approve a franchise. Lyon County Community Development will prepare a draft RFP as well as a draft franchise for the Board to consider at their October 21, 2021 meeting.
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