March 11, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

"Trouble Brewing" ~ J. Benterou

J. Benterou, Photojournalist, Contributes Mason Valley Star Circles, Trouble Brewing, and More

Pizen Switch Times readers/viewers can look forward to  photography submitted by Yeringtonite Jim Benterou.  Jim granted use of the cover photo for this newspaper.  It is called “Remember When” from January of 2021 when Mason Valley was blessed with a record snowfall. “Given the current heat wave,”  Jim writes, it “might be kind of fun(ny)!”

“Remember When”: Eastern Mountains from Singatse Range towards Schurz . ~J. Benterou

Jim also has an interest in astrophotography.

An “astro shot…maybe to emphasize the night/dark skies in our beautiful valley. Don’t forget to look up, once in a while!” ~ J. Benterou
” Star Circles: I like star gazing… (&) …plan to incorporate astrophotography into future work.” ~J. Benterou

Jim wrote: “This  (next photo) is from a year ago, but it could have just as well been taken last week when those (beautiful) thunderstorms rolled through.  Meant to show the volatility, power of these storms (Mother Nature).”

“Trouble Brewing” ~ J. Benterou

Pizen Switch Times readers can look forward to Jim’s upcoming photography from Wilson Canyon, night skies, ghost towns and mines in the hills surrounding Mason Valley, Walker River State Recreation area, architecture, some wildlife, landscape, and human interest stories!

~Leah Moore Wilkinson