February 5, 2025

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established 2021

Lyon County Commission Meeting Highlights for Meeting Scheduled for August 18, 2022


THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 9:00 AM


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Meeting ID: 819 9219 2772 / Passcode: 114403 Mobile: 1-253-215-8782 / 1-346-248-7799

9:00 AM The Board of Commissioners will elect a new Chairman and possibly a new Vice Chairman. Commissioner Ken Gray announced, in July, of his intention to resign as Board Chair in August and then nominate the current Vice Chair, Commissioner Vida Keller, to the Chairmanship and nominate Commissioner Dave Hockaday to the Vice Chairmanship. Both leadership positions have a term of office so both Gray and Keller would have to reign their leadership positions for Commissioner Keller to be nominated for the Chairmanship.

9:30 AM. For Presentation Only: A presentation from Hudbay Minerals for future mining in South Lyon County.

10:00 AM: For Presentation Only: Presentation by the Western Nevada Development District on activities, function’s and issues.

11:00 A.M.: For Possible Action: Review options and approve acceptance of an option regarding the insurance proceeds and possible reconstruction of the Dayton Depot.

Approve language for a Bill Draft Resolution (BDR) requesting the Nevada Legislature to change the process of replacing a County Commission vacancy from a Governor appointment to the Board of County Commissioners appointment.

NRS 244.040 Vacancy in office of county commissioner. 1. Except in Carson City, any vacancy occurring in a board of county commissioners must be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the board at a public meeting held after notice of the meeting is published at least once each week for 2 weeks in a newspaper qualified pursuant to the provisions of chapter 238 of NRS. The appointee shall be of the same political party as the most recent holder of the vacant office. The appointee shall serve until after the next general election, at which time his or her successor must be elected for the balance of the unexpired term of office. 2. The term of office of a person appointed to the office of county commissioner does not, by virtue of the appointment, extend beyond 12 p.m. of the day preceding the first Monday of January next following the next general election.

Approve an amendment and extension to the 2009 Solid Waste Franchise Agreement between Lyon County and Waste Management of Nevada, Inc., d/b/a Fernley Disposal, reinstating and extending the franchise agreement until February 29, 2024.

Presentation of the Rural Regional Continuum of Care, 2022 Point in Time Count and homelessness in Lyon County.

A copy of the complete agenda and backup material can be found at: https://www.lyon-county.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_08182022-1237

Lyon County, Nevada Commissioners: Wes Henderson, Dave Hockaday, Vida Keller, Ken Gray, Robert Jacobson. Photo courtesy of Lyon County, Nevada.