March 7, 2025
Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Meeting Summary ― March 6, 2025
Yerington, Nevada – The Lyon County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met on Thursday, March 6, 2025 to hear presentations and take action on several significant agenda items. Highlights from the meeting include:
Sheriff’s Office Awards
Sheriff Brad Pope presented Deputy Trevor Bonds with a Meritorious Service Medal for his heroic actions during a vehicle pursuit in Smith Valley on January 25, 2025.
Settlement Agreement with Nevada Copper
The Commissioners approved a bankruptcy settlement agreement with Nevada Copper to settle the personal property taxes owed by Nevada Copper for $1,170,339.77. The proposed settlement requires Nevada Copper to pay promptly and the settlement eliminates the penalties and reduces the amount of personal property taxes due by 5%.
Planning Items
- Desert Hills Dairy Conditional Use Permit (CUP) – Approved a CUP to expand existing anaerobic digester systems operating at the Desert Hills Dairy in Mason Valley.
- Verizon Wireless/Vertical Bridge CUP – Approved a request from Verizon wireless/Vertical bridge for a Conditional Use Permit for a new wireless communications facility and 115-foot windmill tower located at 1 Scarsdale Drive in Mason Valley.
- The Lakes at Dayton Valley Planned Use Development (PUD) – Approved a request from Dayton Partner No. 1, Atlas Development, LLC and LD Lots, LLC for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment to amend the existing The Lakes at Dayton Valley PUD Handbook. Changes include removing the proposed hotel/casino with Community Commercial. The Board also approved a request for a zoning map amendment to amend zoning map designations on five parcels from Title 10 districts of NR-1 (Single-Family Nonrural Residential District) and T-C (Tourist Commercial District) to the Title 15 district of PUD.
- Tract Capital Management, LP – The Board of County Commissioners approved the following requests from Tract Capital Management, LP, regarding land use changes in Silver Springs:
o Master Plan Amendment (PLZ-2024-051) – Approved the change of Character District from Rural to Suburban on approximately 190 acres of an 800-acre parcel.
o Zoning Map Amendment (PLZ-2024-052) – Approved rezoning from Fifth Rural Residential District (20-acre minimum) to Service Industrial on approximately 460 acres across six parcels totaling 1,070 acres.
o Master Plan Amendment – Approved the change from Rural Residential to Specific Plan on the same 460-acre area across six parcels. Specific plans, or “mini master plans”, are required for all Master Plan changes over 100 acres and assist the County with future planning of infrastructure and services.
Other Board Actions:
- Sheriff’s Office Property Conversion – Approved the conversion of Lyon County Sheriff’s Office evidence items, specifically firearms and related components, to County Property for use or disposition in accordance with Nevada law.
The complete agenda and back up materials are posted online at Residents can view recordings of Board of County Commission meetings on the Lyon County YouTube Channel.
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