March 9, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Boys & Girls Clubs of Mason Valley CEO Travis Crowder & Chris Brooks, Executive Vice President of External Relations with Arevia Power.

Arevia Power Supports Yerington Community Through Local Giving; Answers Residents’ Questions

Mason Valley, Nevada/ January 2025: Arevia Power reached out to Pizen Switch Times to voice the company’s support of the Yerington Community and to respond to questions that Mason Valley residents have regarding the planned solar array construction southeast of the Walker River State Recreation Area.

Chris Brooks, Executive Vice President of External Relations at Arevia Power reported:

As we begin the new year, Arevia Power remains deeply committed to supporting the Yerington community, not just through renewable energy development but by investing in local organizations and initiatives that make a lasting impact. From empowering youth to fostering local traditions, Arevia’s contributions in 2023 and into 2024 reflect its dedication to strengthening the fabric of this vibrant community. Here’s how Arevia Power is making a difference: 

Empowering Youth

Over the past two years, Arevia has contributed $48,000 to the Boys & Girls Club of Mason Valley. This includes funding for the Annual Fund, Youth of the Year, Youth Basketball League, and new clubhouse equipment in 2024, as well as ongoing sponsorships into 2025.

A $30,000 contribution in 2025 will help the Walker River Paiute Tribe Boys & Girls Club purchase a new van, ensuring safe transportation and greater access to their programs. 

In addition, Arevia has contributed $10,000 to Through a Child’s Eyes Foundation, helping to provide underprivileged children with local theater tickets and operates a dance studio for youth and adults in Yerington.

Fighting Hunger

Arevia’s $10,000 donation to the Yerington Food Pantry is funding a new walk-in cooler, expanding the pantry’s capacity to store and distribute food to local families. 

Chris Brooks of Arevia Power with Miranda Hoover of 3C-House and staff of Yerington Food Pantry.

Supporting Outdoor Recreation

In 2023, Arevia contributed $10,000 to sponsor VORRA’s off-road races in Yerington and $10,000 to establish Farmy’s Off-Road Park. 

Building on this, Arevia was the 2024 Series Title Sponsor for the Valley Off-Road Racing Association (VORRA), contributing $50,000 for a series that includes the Desert Series races in Yerington and Hawthorne and the Short Course Series at Farmy’s Off-Road Park. 

Strengthening Local Traditions

By sponsoring the Lyon County Fair and Rodeo with a $2,500 Mother Lode Sponsorship in 2024, Arevia is helping preserve one of Lyon County’s most cherished annual events. 

Investing in Local Infrastructure

Arevia is supporting the Yerington Chamber of Commerce as a business member and contributing $15,000 to repair facilities critical to local businesses and community activities. 

Additionally, Arevia contributed $10,000 to the Lyon County School District in 2024 to provide warm clothing for students in need. 

This month, we partnered with IBEW, Laborer’s Local 169, Ironworkers, and Western Nevada College to host a job fair in Schurz for members of the Walker River Paiute Tribe and other tribal communities. We plan to expand this initiative with a job fair in Lyon County in the coming months. Our goal is to prioritize Lyon County residents for long-term operational roles, supported by apprenticeship programs and partnerships with Western Nevada College.

Arevia Power’s commitment to Yerington goes beyond renewable energy by investing in initiatives that empower youth, support families and strengthen local culture. 

I’d love to connect you with Arevia’s team or representatives from these local organizations for a deeper look into how these initiatives are positively impacting Yerington.


Traffic Impact and Access Roads:

  • What is Arevia’s plan to address the anticipated 855 vehicle round trips per day, including potential road wear and community inconvenience?

The figure of 855 daily round trips reflects a worst-case scenario from a preliminary high-level estimate in the BLM Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Through continued design and engineering, this number has been significantly reduced. A labor and transportation study is underway and will provide a more accurate assessment, expected to lower traffic impacts even further.

We are actively coordinating with Lyon County’s Roads Department and the Nevada Department of Transportation to evaluate current road conditions and establish a road maintenance agreement to address any wear and tear caused by construction traffic. Additionally, our transportation plan will require the majority of construction workers to carpool, use project-provided park-and-ride services, and access the site via alternative routes to minimize traffic on local roads.

  • Are there plans to collaborate with the State of Nevada Walker River State Recreation Area on accessing or paving Minister Road for travel instead of using East Walker Road?

Minister Road was evaluated during the environmental review at Lyon County’s request. However, the Division of State Parks, which oversees the Walker River State Recreation Area, did not support using Minister Road for project access because it runs through the recreation area. They recommended East Walker Road as it skirts the recreation area and has less impact on park operations.

Local Economic Benefits:

  • How does Arevia plan to ensure Lyon County and Yerington see direct financial benefits from the project, especially since Mineral County is slated to receive $170 million in tax revenues?
    Over the life of the project, combined tax revenues for Lyon and Mineral Counties could total up to $170 million. Lyon County will receive property taxes for the portion of the project within its boundaries, such as the transmission line connecting to the Ft. Churchill substation. While the solar project itself is located in Mineral County, the majority of economic activity will occur in Lyon County, including up to $100 million in economic impact during construction and $19 million annually during operations over 30 years.

  • What specific commitments have been made to employ local workers during construction and beyond the 10% estimate currently mentioned?

Libra Solar is entering an agreement with the State of Nevada to ensure that at least 75% of construction workers are Nevada residents. We have signed worksite agreements with IBEW Local 401 & 1245 and Laborer’s Local 169, representing electrical and construction workers in the region.

This month, we partnered with IBEW, Laborer’s Local 169, and Western Nevada College to host a job fair in Schurz for members of the Walker River Paiute Tribe and other tribal communities. We plan to expand this initiative with a job fair in Lyon County in the coming months. Our goal is to prioritize Lyon County residents for long-term operational roles, supported by apprenticeship programs and partnerships with Western Nevada College.

Environmental and Cultural Concerns:

  • How will the Libra Solar Project impact local recreation, agriculture, the environment, and the watershed?

The project’s environmental impact statement (EIS) covered a broad range of environmental issues and provided, where needed, mitigation measures to minimize impacts. Related to the specific items requested:

The EIS evaluated recreational impacts onsite as well as at the Walker River State Recreation Area. Off-highway vehicle (OHV) use onsite is currently restricted to existing roads, trails, and dry washes. During project operations, access will remain open on the primary routes through the area (Old State Route 2C and Reese River Road). The project’s primary access route along E. Walker Road skirts the State Recreation Area, so impacts will be few.

The project will not have an impact on agriculture. No farming activities occur onsite except grazing. The site has very limited vegetation and has never supported a large herd. The grazier operating in the area is supportive of the project.

The project will not have negative impacts on the Mason Valley Groundwater Basin. The project will use leased water from an existing groundwater rights holder, so there would be no net increase in groundwater draws. During operations solar fields use little water, primarily for panel cleaning that generally occurs twice a year only. The vast majority of the project site (over 95 percent) would remain permeable, so groundwater infiltration onsite would be minimally affected.


  • What measures will be taken to protect tribal cultural areas and other sensitive sites?  From the beginning Arevia Power’s Libra Solar has coordinated with the BLM and with tribes in the region to understand what culturally significant areas exist and how to design the Libra project in a way that avoids disturbing any potential sites. We have had experts conduct extensive cultural surveys on and around the project area and transmission route. The Walker River Paiute Tribe’s Tribal Historical Preservation Office (THPO) team of trained experts assisted us in these surveys. Various mitigation measures are in place to minimize impacts to tribal cultural resources, including but not limited to the use of exclusion areas to avoid identified resources and cultural resources monitoring during the early stages of construction.

Energy Usage and Local Collaboration:

  • Will the project provide energy for local users, such as residents and the Walker River State Recreation Area, or will it be solely for broader transmission purposes?

Power generated from the Libra Solar project will be sold directly to NV Energy via a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The power generated from the Libra Solar project will feed into NV Energy’s grid at Ft. Churchill substation. There is a good chance that most of the power used in Mason Valley will come directly from the Libra Solar Project.

  • Is there a formal partnership with NV Energy or other local energy providers?

Arevia Power’s Libra Solar and Storage Project was selected by NV Energy after a rigorous competitive process involving several projects and multiple technologies. Libra has executed a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with NV Energy for the power generated from the Libra Solar project.  This PPA is part of their most recent Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN).

Land Restoration:

  • Can Arevia provide specific details on how the land will be restored to its natural state after project completion?

As part of the BLM NEPA process and grant, the Libra Solar project will develop a site restoration and revegetation plan and decommissioning and site reclamation plan. The plans will address removal of project infrastructure and restoring the project site to a condition similar to nearby lands. Plans would specifically identify acceptable seed types and seeding techniques, a monitoring and reporting plan, and performance standards. The Libra project will be responsible for posting a bond before a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for construction with BLM to ensure that this will take place.

Community Engagement and Solutions:

  • What efforts are being made to proactively engage with community members and address their concerns?  Through the BLM’s NEPA process there were multiple opportunities for public comment as well as public meetings held online and in Yerington. Starting over two years ago we started direct conversations with cattle ranchers, neighbors, and recreational users in and around the area. We have also talked to several community groups and organizations in Yerington and Lyon County and will continue this engagement for as long as we are working to develop and build this project.
  • Are there planned mitigation strategies for potential long-term impacts on Yerington and Lyon County?  Arevia Power’s Libra project will pay to construct approximately five to six miles of new widened and paved county road for better access and maintenance to our project as well as the Walker River State Park, OHV recreation areas, and cattle grazing areas. In addition to direct tax revenues and hundreds of millions of dollars of economic benefits for the region including Yerington and Lyon County, Arevia Power will introduce a Community Benefits Agreement with Lyon County that will outline commitments that the project will make to support vital services provided by the county and its partners.