News Release
September 6, 2024
Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Meeting Summary ― September 5, 2024
Yerington, Nevada – The Lyon County Board of County Commissioners convened on Thursday, September 5, 2024, to hear presentations and approve several significant agenda items.
Position Statement Regarding Major Highways
County Manager Andrew Haskin presented on the need to develop a formal position statement on major highways managed by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) as NDOT controlled highways serve as the main roadway through each of the County’s communities. The purpose of the Highway Position Statement is to have an official document, adopted by the County Commission, that outlines the County’s goals for NDOT controlled highways and provides unified direction to not provide NDOT and CAMPO mixed messages. The Board directed Mr. Haskin to organize a workshop to discuss the development of a position statement to address speed, access management, traffic controls, pedestrian safety, future growth, and public safety on major highways.
Open Planning Commission Positions
The Board of County Commissioners is seeking applicants to fill four vacancies on the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission, composed of seven community members, hears development applications and land use matters for resolution and recommendation to the
Board of Commissioners. The Planning Commission meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at
9:00 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners Chambers in Yerington.
Those interested in applying to serve on the Planning Commission must submit an application to the County Manager’s Office by 5:00 p.m. on October 18th, 2024 to be included in the agenda packet. Applications can be found on the Lyon County website Completed applications can be submitted via email to or by mail or in-person to the County Manager’s office located at 27 S.
Main Street, Yerington, NV 89447. Applications that are mailed must be received prior to the agenda posting or meeting on November 7th to be considered by the Board.
Other Board Action Items
- Planning Items: Approved a request to abandon access easements as granted on Land Map 91338 in 1985. The easements are situated between Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN’s) 015-365-01, -02, -03, -04, and 015-451-01 in Stagecoach. The access easements will be replaced with the easements included in Iron Valley Estates Subdivision.
- Emergency Management Interlocal Agreement: Approved an interlocal agreement between Lyon County and the City of Fernley for Lyon County Emergency Management to provide emergency management services and for the City of Fernley to provide $2,000 per year for a term of five years, with an automatic renewal for an additional two years.
- Human Services Grants: The Board approved grant awards from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Aging and Disability Services Division for services to address social isolation and to purchase kitchen equipment for all four Lyon County Senior Centers. In addition, the Commissioners approved contracts between Lyon County and Advanced Home Health Care and All Valley in the amount of $49,830 and between Lyon County and Cowgirl Cleaning LLC for $49,845 to provide homemaker services.
- Silver Springs Airport Upgrades: Commissioners accepted a grant award from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), for a grant of federal funds for Silver Springs Airport, to install updated lighting on runway 6/24, in the amount of $50,090.
The complete agenda and back up materials are posted online at Residents can view recordings of Board of County Commission meetings on the Lyon County YouTube Channel.
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