News Release
August 19, 2024
Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Meeting Summary ― August 15, 2024
Yerington, Nevada – The Lyon County Board of County Commissioners convened on August 15, 2024, to hear presentations on regional issues and approve several significant agenda items.
Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program Update
Molly Walt from the Nevada Rural Counties Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provided an update on services for Lyon County residents, including the Good Neighbor and Respite Care programs. The full presentation is available in the agenda packet on the Lyon County website.
North Silver Springs Area Drainage Master Plan
Commissioners adopted the North Silver Springs Area Drainage Master Plan following a presentation from Geoff Brownell from Kimley-Horn. The Drainage Master Plan was developed following a project kick-off meeting in May of 2023. Proposed drainage solutions include two retention basins that reduce flood hazards to areas downstream of Highway 95A.
Other Board Action Items
- 83rd Nevada Legislature Bill Draft Request: Commissioners approved a resolution requesting a bill draft for the 83rd session of the Nevada Legislature relating to the timely posting of emergency road closures and hazards by GPS navigation providers, supporting communication with emergency services, and enhancing Nevada 511 to include access for local public safety officials.
- Public Health Campaign: The Board voted four in support and one opposed to approve a contract between Lyon County and Hey Frank LLC, in an amount not to exceed $271,719.74 to execute a public health marketing campaign. The campaign is funded through Senate Bill 118 which makes an appropriation to the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health for allocation to Counties for the improvement of public health.
- Emergency Management Interlocal Agreement: Approved an interlocal agreement between Lyon County and the City of Yerington for Lyon County Emergency Management to provide emergency management services and for the City of Yerington to provide $2,000 per year for a term of five years, with an automatic renewal for an additional two years.
- Board Appointments: The Board appointed Jason Kirmel-Long to the Dayton Regional Advisory board with a term expiring December 31, 2024.
- 911 Surcharge Master Plan: Commissioners approved a five-year masterplan for the use of the Telephone Surcharge proceeds.
- National Meetings: The Board appointed Commissioners to represent Lyon County at the National Association of Counties (NACo) Legislative conference, the Western Interstate Region (WIR) conference, and the Joint Board of Directors, Large Urban County Caucus and Rural Action Caucus Symposium.
The complete agenda and back up materials are posted online at Residents can view recordings of Board of County Commission meetings on the Lyon County YouTube Channel.
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