Lyon County Sheriff’s Office – Nevada
Message of the Week 08/16/2024
Last night was kid’s night at the Lyon County Fair and Rodeo. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office took part, and by all accounts, our Deputies, Junior Deputies, and the kids had a great time. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office has taken an active role in community relations, especially with the youth of our community. Our summer community events are winding down, ending with our backpack giveaway and our golf tournament.

The backpack giveaway is being held on August 24th at any of our substations throughout the County, from 9:00AM – 3:00PM. The golf tournament is being held in Dayton at the golf course with a start time of 8:00AM. Sponsors and players are still needed for the golf tournament! Dayton Valley Days is also a big event, on September 21st and we hope to see you there as well.
With the end of summer, we have begun to plan for fall events throughout the County. We plan on attending all of the Trunk or Treats planned throughout Lyon County again this year. Last year we attended over a dozen Trunk or Treat events and handed out a million pounds of candy. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office would appreciate advance notice this year if you are hosting a Trunk or Treat event for an organization and would like us to participate. Many service groups waited until the last minute to send out invites and it became challenging to organize staff to attend the events. Trunk or Treats are extremely fun events for our Deputies to participate in, and we look forward to the fun!
The Lyon County Sheriff’s has begun fundraising efforts for the Shop with a Sheriff program that takes place in December. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office and Lyon County Human Services were able to help over 40 less-than-fortunate youth in our community last Christmas. The Shop with a Sheriff program pairs an underprivileged youth with a Deputy, and they are given a $300 gift card and as much time as they need to shop for items at Walmart. Last year, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office raised over $10,000 to support this program; our goal is to raise $15,000 this year.
In closing, be vigilant; two would-be thieves attempted to install a skimming device on a Dollar General credit card machine yesterday. The vigilance of the store manager stopped this from happening and protected a lot of people’s financial information. Anytime you use a credit or debit card, check the machine and make sure it looks right before swiping. The sophistication of these thieves is getting more high-tech, and they’re becoming braver.
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