September 15, 2024

The Pizen Switch Times

Established 2021

Emboldened Bear Breaks Into Home in Mason Valley, Nevada While House is Occupied

Thank you to Laura Butcher for reporting the information and photographs for this article! – Pizen Switch Times

On August 8, 2024 Laura Butcher reported a BEAR ALERT on social media for residents in Mason Valley, Nevada:

On Smokey the Bear’s 80th Birthday, he decided to throw himself a party in my Mom’s kitchen. If you live in the Yerington or Smith Valley area, heads up on the bear break-in. Nevada Department of Wildlife is on its way now.

“There was no food out, no dishes in the sink, not even garbage in the garbage can. He bypassed the pear tree in the front yard, which is what they’ve gone for in the past.”

Laura’s parents live near the Walker River corridor; and while they are taking this Bear Break-in with a sense of humor knowing it can be a part of rural life, they are also taking the incident seriously and want to inform other residents that this could occur.

A biologist with NDOW Nevada Department of Wildlife met with Laura Butcher and set a trap to catch the bear. NDOW also left an electric mat below the window that the bear broke into. The mat is a shocking deterrent.

UPDATE on August 9th: Laura Butcher reported that the bear had been successfully trapped.