March 13, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Sheriff Brad Pope’s Message of the Week: June 28, 2024

Message of the Week: 06/28/2024

Last week at the Board of County Commissioners meeting the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) presented on the speed reduction project in the Mound House area of Lyon County. NDOT will reduce the speed limit to 35 MPH (Please see attached photographs of that presentation) NDOT will also give this presentation Tuesday, July 2nd at the Mound House Advisory Board meeting, beginning at 7:00 PM. The meeting is held at the fire station on Red Rock, in Mound House.

On 06/26/2024, the Chief Deputy and I, attended a traffic safety meeting in Carson City, where this was also discussed. NDOT’s actions are based on the concerns, and the wants of the Mound House community. Community members have expressed the speeds of vehicles traveling through their community are excessive and put pedestrians and motorists at risk. If you want your voice heard, the Mound House Advisory Board meeting is the place to voice your concerns.

NDOT has provided data that shows pedestrian traffic, on Highway 50 and “near misses” of vehicles trying to enter the highway from residential and commercial areas. (See attached photos) NDOT has also calculated by decreasing the speed limit to 35 MPH, it will increase the travel time through the Mound House area by 46 seconds.

NDOT engineers have ensured the Community, and the Sheriff’s Office that this is only the first step being taken to reduce the risk to pedestrians and residents of the area. Other changes in the works have to clear the bureaucracy that come with complying with Federal and State laws.

The speed limit change is lawful, and the decision ethical, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office will support NDOT’s actions by enforcing the new speed limit once it is in effect. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office has taken action across highway 50 increasing the amount of traffic stops by over 100% and our presence on the highway has been greatly increased. The Nevada State Police have also ensured NDOT that they will increase their presence in the Mound House area to enforce the speed limit change.

I have spoken to many members of the communities of Mound House and Dayton, the solution offered is not a popular one, however as a community we all need to take self-accountability and follow the traffic laws, whether popular or not.

Please take the time to read over the NDOT presentation attached.


Sheriff Brad Pope

Click on an image to enlarge and to begin slide show at your own pace (8 slides):