February 14, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

LCSO Message of the Week ~ February 23, 2024

This was an extremely busy week at the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office. The 2024-2025 budget is near completion after several hours of meetings. Budget meetings are always intense, and I can ensure you, the tax payer, that your dollars are being spent responsibly. With several lengthy meetings, this week, and one out of the area meeting, I asked Kayla Harrison, an administrative assistant to provide the community with information regarding our MOST Program.

From Kayla Harrison:

“The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Mobile Outreach and Safety Team (MOST) was established in August 2015 with a small team, which has since grown to seven members. The team is made up of a Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Deputy, a licensed clinician, and adult services professionals. MOST is a critical component of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office, as it serves as a link to those in crisis within the Lyon County community. MOST provides wrap-around care to those in need, enabling them to stabilize someone instead of relying on 911 calls for service. ANY person can refer someone to MOST. To refer someone, simply call the Non-Emergency Dispatch at 775-463-6620 and request a MOST referral. Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Deputies are also authorized to refer someone to MOST when they suspect that something is not right, and MOST can respond promptly throughout the Lyon County area.”

When Heather Benson (Lyon County Human Services-Adult Services Division Manager) was asked to summarize MOST’s operations, she aptly stated, “We respond in the community in need when they need it MOST.” MOST assists in filling critical gaps in the Lyon County community for those in need. MOST can provide transportation to care, resources to assist with housing, and much more. MOST is not only for those in mental health crisis but is also qualified and able to assist anyone between the ages of 18 and end of life who is experiencing a behavioral health crisis. This encompasses a range of services aimed at addressing mental health concerns, substance abuse issues, and emotional challenges that individuals may face. These programs help individuals by providing access to counseling, therapy, support groups, and psychiatric care. MOST is equipped with CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) professionals ready to assist whether it is a sudden or a persistent problem.

To highlight the scope of work accomplished by our Mobile Outreach Safety Team, the following are the call statistics of MOST along with their case numbers for 2022 and 2023:

Fiscal Year FY22
  • Total calls for service/referrals: 436
  • Total number of follow-ups: 1988
  • Total calls for service/referrals: 465
  • Total number of follow-ups: 1629

MOST is crucial for meeting the mental health requirements of a community, promoting overall well-being, and fostering a more empathetic and comprehensive society within Lyon County. By prioritizing mental health resources and support, we can work towards creating a healthier and happier environment for all individuals to flourish in Lyon County. We are grateful to have a dedicated team of individuals to assist those who need it the most.

If you or someone you know needs MOST, please call Non-Emergency 775-463-6620 and request a MOST referral. To learn more about MOST, you can visit our website at https://www.lcsonv.com/most


Sheriff Brad Pope