News Release
December 12, 2023
Commissioners Approve Speed Limit Reduction on Miller/Aiazzi Lanes, Reallocate ARPA funds, and Take Action During December 7, 2023 Meeting
Yerington, Nevada – On Thursday, December 7, 2023, the Lyon County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved a speed limit reduction from 45mph to 30mph on Miller Lane, Aiazzi Lane, and Pete Hendrichs Road and directed the Lyon County Roads Department to install stop signs at the intersection of Miller and Aiazzi Lanes (all directions) following presentations from Lyon County Roads Director Dustin Homan, Sheriff Brad Pope, Mason Valley Fire Protection District Chief Scott Draper and the City of Yerington on the ongoing traffic safety challenges on this route, commonly used as a bypass for US Highway 95A.
Since January 1, 2020, Lyon County Sheriff’s Office reports 59 total accidents at the corner of Miller Lane and Aiazzi Lane. Approximately 95% of accidents at the intersection occur after daylight and zero accidents involved local drivers. Sheriff Pope reported the Sheriff’s Office wrote over 40 citations in two hours during the recent saturation patrol. Chief Draper provided that since presenting on the issue during the November 2 , 2023 Commission meeting, MVFPD has responded to five major accidents at the intersection of Miller and Aiazzi Lanes, including one that caused significant injury to an 11-year-old passenger. The goal of the speed limit reduction and stop signs is to ultimately protect the health and safety of travelers.
Mound House Community Center
The Board approved, three in support (Hendrix, Keller, and Jacobson) and two opposed (Henderson and Hockaday), to reduce the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding allocated for the Mound House Community Center remodel project from $300,000 to not exceed $50,000 to only remodel the existing meeting space. In order to complete the renovations necessary to meet new building occupancy requirements, construction estimates were between $550,000 -$600,000. The County was unsuccessful in applying for additional Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to complete the project.
In a separate agenda item, Commissioners approved 4-1 (Henderson opposed) to reallocate unspent ARPA funds, including the remaining $250,000 from the Mound House Community Center project, totaling $1,050,000 to completing the Fernley Justice Court project which is estimated will cost an additional $1,000,000 more than initially projected.
Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) – US 50 Dayton Project
NDOT provided an updated on the US 50 Dayton Project. Based on NDOT’s speed study and the Board’s feedback, the project scope has been changed. There will be no speed limit changes at this time. The posted speed limit will remain at 60 miles per hour east of Fortune Drive. As part of the project, speed-management countermeasures will include two new traffic signals and safer intersections at US 50 and Cardelli/River Boat Roads and US 50 and Six Mile Canyon/Fort Churchill Roads. Also, median installations near intersections and access controls which will help improve safety. Future improvement to the Highway in this area will include controlled access alternatives, separation of local and through traffic, additional surface streets for local connections, and coordination with the County, Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and the Dayton Community to construct these improvements. The full NDOT presentation is available on the Lyon County website as part of the Agenda backup materials and on the Lyon County YouTube Channel.
Commissioners also voted in a separate item to approve an offsite improvement agreement between Lyon County and Stanley Lucas, for Stanley Lucas to make improvements in NDOT right of way, including the construction of a traffic signal at US 50 and Traditions Parkway, related to the Traditions Subdivision.
Other BOCC Action Items
Commissioners also took action on the following items:
- Proposed an ordinance amending the Lyon County Code Title 15-Land Use and Development Code related to Accessory Dwelling Units “Tiny Homes”; Chapter 15.335.03A and other matters properly related thereto.
- Approved a street name request to name an existing unnamed street (APN: 014-281-16) west of Mason Pass Road and south Kass Lane, Yerington, NV as Buckaroo Lane.
- Approved a Conditional Use Permit request from NV Energy to construct and operate a Power Substation and Power Transmission Lines, 60kV or greater on portions of three parcels totaling 343.1 acres, located approximately 2,600 feet to the east of the intersection of US Route 95A and Sierra Way in Mason Valley.
- Approved 3-2 (Henderson and Hockaday opposed) a Master Plan Amendment request from Michael A. and Claudia C. Casey to amend the Master Plan designation from Mixed-Use to Suburban Residential for 17 parcels totaling 10.35 aces generally located on the west side of US 95A between Idaho and Spruce Avenue in Silver Springs.
- Unanimously approved a zoning amendment request from Michael A. and Claudia C. Casey to amend the Zoning Map designation from the Title 10 districts of Limited Commercial and C-2 General Commercial to Title 15 SR-1/2 (Suburban Residential – ½ acre minimum) for 10 parcels totaling 7.38-acres with parcels located in the Idaho and Spruce Avenues areas.
- Appointed Kathryn Ataman to the Central Lyon County Park Advisory Board with a term expiring December 31, 2024.
The complete agenda and back up materials are posted online at
For more information, visit our website and follow our Facebook page Residents can view the full recording of the Board of County Commission meeting on the Lyon County YouTube Channel.
27 South Main Street
Yerington, Nevada 89447
Phone: (775)463-6531 Fax: (775)463-6533
Wes Henderson, District 1
Scott Keller, District 2
Tammy Hendrix, District 3
Robert Jacobson, District 4
Dave Hockaday, District 5
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