March 13, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Lyon County Sheriff Brad Pope’s Message of the Week ~ October 27th, 2023

LCSO Message of the Week 10/27/2023:

Happy Nevada Day! Below are some fun facts about our great State:

  • Nevada became our 36th state on October 31, 1864 in the midst of the Civil War.
  •  Nicknames: Silver State, Battle Born State and the Sagebrush State
  •  State motto: All for Our Country
  • State bird: Mountain Bluebird
  •  State flower: Sagebrush
  • State tree: Bristlecone Pine
  • State animal: Desert Bighorn Sheep
  • State fish: Lahontan Cutthroat Trout
  • State reptile: Desert Tortoise
  • State area: 110,622 square miles
  • Highest point: Boundary Peak
  • The state was named after the mountain range “Sierra Nevada”.
  • Nicknamed the “Silver State”, Nevada is actually the largest gold-producing state in the U.S. and fourth-largest in the world.
  • America’s largest silver deposit, the Comstock Lode, was found in Nevada in 1859.
  • Nevada is the seventh-largest state in size in the U.S.
  • Nevada has more mountain ranges than any other state in the U.S.
  • Nevada has more hotel rooms than any other place on Earth.
  • 15 of the top 25 largest hotels in the world reside in Las Vegas.
  •  Nevada was the first state to ratify the 15th amendment to the U.S. constitution which prohibits the states and federal governments from denying a citizen to vote based on that citizen’s “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

Back to business:

When I took office I was contacted by Search and Rescue member Gerry Miller, who was interested in teaching the class “Refuse To Be A Victim”. The class teaches women methods to increase awareness and prevent criminal confrontation! This is great idea, and something that is needed throughout our County.

“One of the most important steps toward ensuring your own safety is having a personal safety strategy in place before you need it. NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim® program teaches the tips and techniques you need to be alerted to dangerous situations and to avoid criminal confrontation.

Seminars are held across the nation and are open to individuals of all ages. Today, thousands of federal, state and local law enforcement officials and civilians from across the nation utilize this popular program in their crime prevention and community policing initiatives to help protect their communities.

Corporations, educational institutions, and community centers have also adopted the program. All told, more than 170,000 people have benefited from these seminars.” –(

Date: 11/02/2023
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Fernley Senior Center and Services, 105 Lois Lane Fernley, NV 89408
Cost: FREE! (Registration is limited to women only)

To register for the class, please click the link above.

Trunk or Treats:

As you can see from the photographs being shared on this page we are quite busy with community events. The trunk or treats, and fall festivals are going extremely well! Deputies are reporting back, that kids and adults alike are very happy to interact with the Sheriff’s Office Deputies present at these events. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office thanks Walmart of Fernley for the generous candy donation!

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office is continuing the mission of breaking down barriers between law enforcement and our community, especially the youth. Halloween is Tuesday night, be safe and enjoy trick or treating throughout the County!


Sheriff Brad Pope