February 13, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Lyon County Sheriff Pope’s Message of the Week 09/22/2023

Lyon County, Nevada

Lyon County Sheriff’s Message of the Week 09/22/2023

On 09/21/2023 the Nevada Department of Transportation presented their Highway 50, Dayton project to the Board of County Commissioners. The presentation was well received, and raised many concerns from Board. I am attaching that report, so the community can view it, and direct any questions to the Nevada Department of Transportation.

I have spoken to numerous community members who travel the Highway 50 corridor on a daily basis. Many of those community members have requested traffic lights at Six Mile Canyon Road and Cardelli Road. The plan presented by NDOT addresses both of those areas with a traffic light. What was not part of this plan, but is part of future planning is a traffic light at the Traditions development, which is a housing development on the north side of Highway 50.

Another concern addressed was the start date of the project. The start date is projected as 2026. The planning / funding process were cited for the start date.

School is back in session and a request for the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office K9s was made to search Yerington High School. K9 Blady and K9 Vickey along with their handlers conducted a search of Yerington High School. While there were alerts, no illegal substances were found.

There was a great turnout at Dayton Valley Days over the weekend. The event was a success for the community! Thank you to the organizations that participated and planed the event!

This is a short message, as most of the information is being released in the NDOT report which is attached. Thank you for taking the time to read the report, Highway 50 is a major concern and highway safety is a major priority of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office.


Sheriff Brad Pope

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