Message of the Week 08/11/2023 ~ From Brad Pope Lyon County Sheriff:
As the summer goes on, the warm weather has increased activity within Lyon County. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office continues to improve on our response times. In spite of an increased call volume, the Deputies in every area of the County are providing quick, and professional law enforcement services when called upon. Attached are the up to date average response times for each patrol area.
I want to highlight the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office VIP program. This volunteer program provides an incredible amount of support to the staff of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office. In July, 27 volunteers worked to provide the following support:
– 603 support hours to our Patrol Division
– 91 support hours to special assignments
– 76 support hours to administrative functions
– 4 hours of training
– 36 hours of vehicle maintenance
– 803 completed house watch checks
– 113 VIN Checks (Vehicle Identification Numbers)
– 108 Civil paper services attempted
This amount of support frees the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Deputies from task that would otherwise slow or keep them from a response to calls for service. Their vehicles are clearly marked VIP, if you see them out and about please thank them for volunteering to serve this great County. Our VIP program is always looking for new recruits and volunteers. Below is a link to email Commander Ortiz of the Western Command who oversees the VIP program.
Commander Ortiz will forward any information to Larry DePaul our VIP civilian coordinator.…
The Lyon County Fair and Rodeo begins next week. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office is taking an active role in participation in this great event. The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office will have vehicles available on kid’s night for the youth to “climb all over”! The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office will also have a booth set up inside the large metal barn where we will be handing out “swag” and continuing our recruitment campaign. Attached is the flier with a schedule of fair events.
Lastly, the posting of the mugshots on Mondays has brought some success in assisting with solving crimes committed in Lyon County. Suspects have been identified in other crimes that were previously unidentifiable.
Sheriff Brad Pope
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