March 13, 2025

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established 2021

Commissioners Uphold Rolling ‘A’ Wastewater Treatment Facility Bid Protest and Take Actions During April 20, 2023 Meeting  


April 21, 2023

Commissioners Uphold Rolling ‘A’ Wastewater Treatment Facility Bid Protest and Take Actions During April 20, 2023 Meeting


Yerington, Nevada – The Lyon County Board of County Commissioners voted to uphold the Rolling ‘A’ Wastewater Treatment Facility – Phase 4 Expansion Project Bid Protest submitted by Farr Construction Corporation dba Resource Development Company. In addition, the Board awarded a contract to Resource Development Company for implementation of the project. The motion to award the contract was made by Commissioner Hockaday and passed 4-1.

Deputy Bryan Kharrl was awarded the Meritorious Service Award for the brave and courageous action he took, thus saving his partners life.

Further, the Board heard a presentation from Sheriff Brad Pope honoring Deputy Brian Kharrl with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Meritorious Service Award for his extraordinary efforts to protect the life of Deputy Steven May on August 4, 2022. Additional details regarding the incident and lifesaving actions taken by Deputy Kharrl are available in the Letter of Recommendation provided by Commander Jeff Miller.

The Board of County Commissioners also:

·       Received an update from the Walker River Irrigation District on current and forecasted conditions and potential flood concerns on the Walker River Basin. Of note, Walker River Irrigation District is working with Lyon County Emergency Management and the City of Yerington to host a Flood Preparedness Town Hall on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 5:30pm at Yerington City Hall – 14 E. Goldfield Ave., Yerington, Nevada 89447.

·       Approved a two-year contract for a mobile app that will allow the Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Management to provide information and emergency notifications to the public.

·       Changed the day and time of the Smith Valley Advisory Board meetings to the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm. The Board also appointed Wendy Loomis to the Smith Valley Advisory Board.

·       Cancelled the July 20, 2023 Board of Commissioners meeting due to conflicts with the National Association of Counties Annual Conference, July 21st-24th.

·       Approved a resolution in support of the Historic Routes Preservation Act, a bill in Congress that will provide a process for counties to receive title for R.S. 2477 rights-of-way, if there is reliable evidence the road was publicly used before an established date.

·       Terminated the Declaration of Emergency (Resolution 23-06) for the March atmospheric river flooding event. Ending the initial emergency declaration allows Lyon County to track the recovery efforts for the first event separate from any mitigation activities related to Spring thaw. As the need arises, Lyon County Commissioners may declare a new Emergency for future flooding events.

The complete agenda and back up materials are posted online at

For more information, visit our website and follow our Facebook page  Residents can view recordings of previous Board of County Commission meetings on the Lyon County YouTube Channel.