February 21, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Lyon County Sheriff Brad Pope’s Message of the Week ~ 03/17/2023

Lyon County Sheriff Brad Pope’s Message of the Week 03/17/2023

Response times are an important factor in gauging our level of service provided to the community. I have shared the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office response times on several occasions, and I will continue to do so. After sharing the response times I have had several questions on what constitutes a priority one, two and three call. Since we will continue to share these numbers, I would like to inform the community what these types of calls are. (Disclosure: the priority can be manually changed depending on the crime type and in progress nature of the call for service.)

Priority 1:

Emergency medical call, Suicidal subject, and Fire.

Priority 2:

911 call, Injury accident, ADW, Air Incident, Bomb threat, Burglary in progress, Escaped inmate, Fight, Fire alarm, Hold up alarm, Home invasion, Kidnap, Missing Juvenile, Riots, Robbery, Sexual Assault, Shots, Traffic Stop and Train incident.

Priority 3:

Accident without injury, Alarm, Assault, Attempt to locate, Battery, Assist other agency, Burglary, Child related crime, Counterfeit, Custody Dispute, Death Investigation, Domestic violence, Elder abuse, Embezzlement, Flood, Fraud, Harassment, Jail incident, Juvenile runaway, Mental health transport, Missing person, Narcotics, Neighbor Dispute, Open door, Prowler, Pursuit, Possible DUI, Search and Rescue, Stalking, Shop lifting, Suicide third party, TPO Violation, Unwanted person, Warrant service, and Welfare check.

The priorities are listed for dispatching purposes and do not reflect the criminal response priorities, crime reduction priorities, and the proactive goals of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office.

In the month of February, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office responded to 2,381 calls for service. I have broken down the calls for service by patrol area and included the amount of arrests made.


914 Calls for service with 34 arrests.


878 Calls for service with 41 arrests. (Includes Moundhouse and Silver City)

Silver Springs:

364 calls for service with 35 arrests. (Includes Stagecoach)

Mason Valley: (Includes Smith Valley)

225 Calls for service with 9 arrests.

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office strives to improve our level of service provided to the community on a daily basis. This information provides transparency into that service and hopefully a better understanding of the challenges the Lyon County sheriff’s Office faces on a daily basis.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information and being part of our continual progress.

Sheriff Brad Pope