February 14, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

LCSO Sheriff Brad Pope’s Message of the Week ~ 02/17/2023

Message of the Week 02/17/2023

On January 3rd, I asked the Lyon County Board of County Commissioners for permission to utilize funds from the Sheriff’s Office budget for promotional testing, which would be conducted by a professional agency. I had to ask permission because these funds were not originally budgeted for a promotional testing process. That same day we entered into an agreement with Joiner and Associates to conduct our promotional testing process in order to select two new Lieutenants and four new Sergeants.

I am not a believer in a “change for the sake of change” mentality. The promotional process at the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office has varied numerous times in recent history. So much so, that the perception that the administrators making the promotional decisions were biased was rampant throughout the agency. This perceived bias lowered morale and faith in the leaders of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office. The primary goal of contracting with Joiner and Associates was to remove that perceived bias from our testing process, and restore faith in the promotional process.

Last week the promotional testing process concluded and the candidates were selected. The testing process was not easy for the candidates, however all of our candidates did extremely well, and we received great feedback from the proctors of the tests. The promotions were made from a ranked list of test scores. With top candidate receiving promotion offers. The candidate’s new rank goes into effect February 18th, and they will be sworn in on February 22nd.

Our two new Lieutenants are:

Lieutenant Bret Willey. Lieutenant Willey will be transferred from the Patrol Division where he currently serves as a Sergeant in Fernley. Lieutenant Willey’s new assignment will be as the Administrative Lieutenant, he will be working the entire County, but his Office will be in Yerington.

Lieutenant Tyrell Joyner. Lieutenant Joyner is currently assigned to the Special Investigations as the Sergeant in charge of Daily operations. Lieutenant Joyner will now be the Lieutenant in charge of the entire Investigations Division and his office will remain in Silver Springs.

Our four new Sergeants are:

Sergeant Nicholas Baugh. Sergeant Baugh is currently assigned to the Special Investigations Unit as an Investigator. Sergeant Baugh will remain in the Special Investigations unit as the Sergeant in charge of daily operations.

Sergeant William McDaniel. Sergeant McDaniel is currently assigned to the Patrol Division, as a Deputy assigned to the Dayton Patrol Area. Sergeant McDaniel will be assigned to the Patrol Division in the Fernley patrol zone.

Sergeant Wayne Hawley. Sergeant Hawley is currently assigned to the Special Investigations Unit as the K9 Handler. Sergeant Hawley and his partner Boris the Dog will be assigned to the Patrol Division in the Silver Springs patrol zone.

Sergeant Stephanie Haas. Sergeant Haas is currently assigned to the Patrol Division, as a Deputy assigned to the Fernley patrol zone. Sergeant Haas will be reassigned to the Lyon County Jail.

The testing process was tough, and I commend all of the Deputies of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office who participated in the testing process. If you see these Deputies performing their new assignments and duties please congratulate them! Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

Sheriff Brad Pope