March 14, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Lyon County, Nevada Commissioners: Wes Henderson, Dave Hockaday, Vida Keller, Ken Gray, Robert Jacobson. Photo courtesy of Lyon County, Nevada.

Lyon County Commission Begins September with a Busy Day: 09/01/2022

Lyon County Commission has a busy day on 9/1/2022

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 819 9219 2772 / Passcode: 114403
Mobile: 1-253-215-8782 / 1-346-248-7799

The Lyon County Board of Commissioners will meet Thursday, 9/1/2022, at the Greg Hunewill Chambers, 27 South Main Street, Yerington, NV at 9:00 AM. The Board has a full day of business to address including:

9:30 AM. For Presentation Only: A presentation from Hiren Bhavsar, the new Extension Educator for the University of Nevada Reno, Lyon County Extension office in Yerington, to introduce staffing and programs.

10.00 AM: For Report Only: Presentations given by Lyon County Community Development, Human Services, County Manager, and outside entities for possible grant submittals to Community Development Block Grant for FY23-24.

Presentation of Awards

Notification that Lyon County’s annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021, qualifies for GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and recognizes Comptroller Josh Foli and his staff for a job well done.

Approve a five-year master plan for the 9-1-1 telephone surcharge.

County ordinance and Nevada Revised Statutes require a five-year master plan to be developed and adopted. The telephone surcharge advisory committee met and approved a five-year master plan to be recommended to the Board of Commissioners.

The priorities for this funding are:

  • Hosted 911 phone system and phone lines
  • Mobile computers and communication devices
  • Aircard fees for the mobile computers
  • Recording system equipment to record telephone calls
  • Radios for emergency responder communication with dispatch
  •  eDispatch paging service for dispatch to communicate with emergency responders
  •  Annual maintenance and support on the dispatch radio consoles used to communicate with emergency responders
  • Pagers

Planning/Zoning Items

To approve the request made by Kscale LLC. for a Conditional Use Permit for energy development to include both Geothermal and Solar Power Generating Systems as well as a research and development facility and modular data centers in Mason Valley (Wabuska) (APN 014-081-05) (PLZ-2022-169)

The applicant’s project includes geothermal and solar power generation for modular data centers (which are buildings that house computer servers) constructed over phases one and two, with the third stage to include a Research Center and additional data centers. At August 9, 2022 Planning Commission, the Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the request

To approve the request made by Winston Solar FC. LLC/ Dan c. & Tara L. Morose for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a photovoltaic (PV) solar power generating facility including an on-site substation and an on-site operations and maintenance building on a 1,712.50 acre parcel zoned M-1 generally located on the north side of Sierra Drive approximately 0.5 mile east of the US 95A/Sierra Drive intersection, Mason Valley, NV (Wabuska) (APN: 014-091-09) PLZ-2022-167.

The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct and operate a commercial solar power generating facility on an approximately 1,712.50 acre total subject parcel generally located on the north side of Sierra Way approximately 0.52 mile east of the US 95A/Sierra Wat intersection, east of Wabuska located in northern Mason Valley.  At their August 9, 2022 meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to forward a recommendation of approval of this request based on the Findings and subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval as listed in the staff report.

To approve the request made by D&G Investments/Rex T. Nishimura Trust for a Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning on four (4) parcels from C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) and RR-1 (First Rural Residential – 1-acre minimum) to MFR (Multifamily Residential) and SR ½ (Suburban Residential – ½ acre minimum) located at 14 Warwick Hills Drive, 103 Warwick Hills Drive and 100 Silverado Road, Mason Valley, NV (APNs:003-021-15/-16/-17/-18) PLZ-2022-160.

The applicant has submitted a Zoning Map Amendment application to change the current zoning on the project site. Concurrently the applicants have also submitted an application for a merger and resubdivision/tentative parcel map (PLZ-2022-161) to merge the four parcels and re-subdivide such that the existing nonconforming lots, nonconforming structures, and illegal lot splits are corrected while reflecting the existing on-site and surrounding developments. The Zoning Map Amendment application seeks to convert the existing zoning from

  • C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) for three existing parcels (approximately 0.33 acres in size): o APN 003-021-16 (approximately 0.21 acre) o APN 003-021-17 (approximately 0.07 acre) o APN 003-021-18 (approximately 0.05 acre)
  • RR-1 (Rural Residential – 1-acre minimum) for one parcel: o APN 003-021-15 (approximately 4.69 acres).

With the merger and re-subdivision/tentative parcel map, the new zoning would become:

  • MFR (Multi-family Residential) for three parcels (approximately 0.86 acres):
  • Proposed Parcel 2 (approximately 0.18 acre/8,147 square feet)
  • Proposed Parcel 3 (approximately 0.42 acre/18,313 square feet)
  • Proposed Parcel 4 (approximately 0.26 acre/11,670 square feet)
  • SR ½ (Suburban Residential – ½ acre minimum) on one parcel: o Proposed Parcel 1 (approximately 3.47 acres).

At their August 9, 2022 meeting, the Lyon County Planning Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to forward a recommendation of approval of the Zoning Map Amendment request based on the findings as listed in the staff report. A Zoning Map Amendment request cannot be conditioned.

To approve the request made by D&G Investments/Rex T. Nishimura Trust for a merger and re-subdivision/tentative parcel map to merge four parcels and re-subdivide into four (4) new parcels (the smallest parcel would be approximately 8,147 square feet) via the parcel map subdivision process to correct two illegal parcels created by deeds and encroachments from existing developments located at 14 Warwick Hills Drive, 103 Warwick Hills Drive and 100 Silverado Road, Mason Valley, NV (APNs: 003-021-15/-16/-17/-18) PLZ-2022-161

The applicants propose to merge four (4) parcels totaling approximately 5.02 acres:

  • APN 003-021-15 (approximately 4.69 acres);
  • APN 003-021-16 (approximately 0.21 acre);
  • APN 003-021-17 (approximately 0.07 acre); and
  • APN 003-021-18 (approximately 0.05 acre).

And as allowed by NRS and Lyon County Code, re-subdivide through the parcel map to create four new parcels:

  • Proposed Parcel 1 (approximately 3.47 acres);
  • Proposed Parcel 2 (approximately 0.18 acre/8,147 square feet);
  • Proposed Parcel 3 (approximately 0.42 acre/18,313 square feet); and
  • Proposed Parcel 4 (approximately 0.26 acre/11,670 square feet).

Along with PLZ-2022-160, submitted concurrently, the applicants propose to convert nonconforming uses and adjust parcels’ property lines so that the uses and structures conform to the allowed uses and correct building setback requirements.

At their August 9, 2022 meeting, the Lyon County Planning Commission voted unanimously (7- 0) to forward a recommendation of approval of the merger & re-subdivision/tentative parcel map based on the Findings listed in the staff report and subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval.

Approve allocation of 15 to 20 percent of federal Secure Rural Schools Funding to Title II and/or Title III funding.

Congress has reauthorized the Secure Rural Schools funding. As part of the reauthorization, Lyon County must allocate between 15 and 20 percent of the funding to Title II and/or Title III. The County has previously chosen to allocate 15% to Title II. As state law requires, the remaining 85% is being split between the School District and the Road Fund.

Title II funds are retained by the Forest Service and are allocated to specific projects that have been reviewed and recommended by a local Resource Advisory Committee.

Funds received under Title III are used to:

  • carry out activities under the Firewise Communities program
  • reimburse the participating county for search and rescue and other emergency services, including firefighting and law enforcement patrols
  • cover training costs and equipment purchases directly related to the emergency service
  • develop and carry out community wildfire protection plans.
  • provide or expand access to broadband telecommunications services

There is a required 45-day public comment period before using Title III funds. Eligible counties must first publish in a publication of local record a proposal that describes the intended use of the county funds. The county also must submit the proposal to any Resource Advisory Committee for the participating county. Counties are required to certify the use of Title III funds. Please see our FAQs on the certification process.

To propose an Ordinance to amend Lyon County Code Title 15, the Lyon County land use and development code Table 15.320-1, to permit Agricultural Tourism, subject to a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), in the RR-10 and RR-5 zoning districts, and other matters pertaining thereto.

Staff Report

Presentation on the authority of the Lyon County Board of County Commissioners to enact a building moratorium in Dayton, South of the Carson River (Requested by Comm. Gray)

Approve the Pig Fest 2022 Outdoor Festival Permit to be held at the Dayton Rodeo Grounds, 500 Schaad Ln. Dayton NV 89403. Estimated 300-500 people September 16th from 6pm-11pm & 17th from 12am-11pm.

Staff Report

A full copy of the agenda and backup material may be found at :