March 11, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Board of Commissioners recognized the Court Appointed Special Advocates and Foster Families 2022 July 07

Summation of Action Taken by Lyon County Board of County Commissioners at July 7th, 2022 Meeting

The Board of County Commissioners took action at their July 7, 2022, meeting in Yerington.

  • Recognized employees having served 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service.
  • Nevada National Guard presented the Board with a briefing on how the National Guard supports the state and local government. Presentation
  • Approved an ordinance amending Lyon County Code 15.607, authorizing the Community Development Director to approve final maps for development. Ordinance
  • Approved the enlargement of the Silver Springs GID Sewer Service Area
  • Approved Erik Litak’s request for zoning map amendments to change the zoning on three parcels, approximately 392.47 acres in total, from RR-5 (Fifth Rural Residential – 20 acreminimum) to RL (Resource Land) located in Silver Springs (unaddressed) and accessed by Micro Avenue (APNs: 015-521-17, 015-521-25, 015-521-26); PLZ-2022-150, PLZ-2022-151, PLZ-2022-152. Staff Report
  • Directed that Citizen Advisory Boards deemed in violation of training and/or reporting requirements to be notified by the Board that they will have 30 days to rectify the violations or potentially be removed from the Citizen Advisory Board.
  • Directed staff to prepare a Bill Draft Resolution for the 2023 Legislative Session that would authorize the Board of County Commissioners to appoint a person to a vacated seat on the County Commission. Cities, School Districts, and Special Districts are authorized to do so, but Counties are required to request the Governor to make the appointment.
  • Proposed an ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 15, land use and development code; to adopt Chapter 15.240 – Mass Grading Permit to identify when a mass grading permit is required; what work is exempt from a mass grading permit; mass grading permit procedures; and the expiration of mass grading permit approvals. Proposed Ordinance

  • Proposed an ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 15, land use and development code; to adopt Chapter 15.280 – Street Name Change Requests in order to identify required submission materials, the application review process, and designate the Planning Commission as the decision-making body for proposed street name changes. The Board proposed the ordinance with the amendment that the Board, not the Planning Commission to be the decision-making authority. (Proposed Ordinance)

  •  Proposed an ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 15, land use and development code; Table 15.320-1, in order to permit additional uses with an approved Conditional Use Permit (CUP) within the Resource Land zoning district. The proposed amendments would add IndoorShooting Ranges, Archery Ranges, and Skeet/Trap Shooting Range/Course to the uses permitted with a CUP. Proposed Ordinance 

  • Received a presentation of the Business Impact Statement that was prepared for the proposed updated Building Department fee schedule in accordance with NRS 237.030 to 237.150, inclusive. Business Impact Statement

  • Determined that Ames Construction was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Aspen Creek Rapid Infiltration Basins and 12-inch Effluent Main Project in Dayton, and issued a Notice or Award and contract for an amount to not exceed $6,167,673.19 and authorized the Utilities Director to sign project related documents. Project funding will be from the Dayton Sewer Fund and ARPA funding that was allocated to this project