March 13, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

County Commission takes action at June 2, 2022 Meeting (YouTube link to meeting)

The Board of County Commissioners took action on the following items at their June 2, 2022 Meeting

YouTube video of meeting (3:09) :

Approved task order 123 with Farr West Engineering for an amount not to exceed $103,200 for an Effluent Disposal Preliminary Engineering Report at the Silver Spring General Improvement District.  Funding to come from the ARPA funds allocated to the Silver Spring General Improvement District.

Approved a contract with L&L Productions in the amount of $15,499 to operate the tractor pull event at the 2021 Lyon County Fair and Rodeo.

Approved a contract for $5,000 with A Walk on the Wild Side to provide entertainment services at the Lyon County Fair & Rodeo.

Approved an inter-local contract between Nevada Health and Human Services Division of Welfare and Supportive Services and Lyon County Human Services which designates Lyon County Human Services offices as application intake sites for the Energy Assistance Program.

Approved a Forensic support services agreement between Washoe County on behalf of the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office and Lyon County on behalf of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $110,221.00.

Accepted the Notice of Subgrant Award of $90,000.00 from the State of Nevada, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health, for SFY2022.  Grant period July 1, 2022, ending date of June 30, 2023.

Approved the use of Central Lyon County Park Construction Tax funds in the amount of $23,000.  $18,000 for fencing and gates at the Mark Twain Park and $5,000 for leveling rough grass area and purchasing and planting shade trees.  These items were approved at the May 18, 2022 meeting of the Central Lyon County Parks Board meeting.

Appointed Brittaney Bennett to the Smith Valley Park & Recreation Board, with terms expiring December 31, 2022.

Approved a Resolution of the Lyon County Board of Commissioners requesting the Governor of the State of Nevada to direct the Nevada Department of Transportation to implement safety equipment and processes on Highway 50 from the Carson City Line to Ten Mile Hill.

Approved a Resolution of the Lyon County Board of Commissioners terminating a Declaration of Emergency that was declared in Resolution 20-05

Directed the County Manager and staff to initiate the planning, zoning change, building use and design for the Moundhouse Community Center.

Approved a resolution establishing the Opioid Settlement Fund.

Approved a Resolution to augment the 2021-2022 Fair & Rodeo Fund Budget of Lyon County in the amount of $25,000.

Approved a Resolution to Augment the 2021-2022 Road Fund Budget of Lyon County in the amount of $125,000.

Approved a resolution authorizing the transfer of funds for FY2021-2022 from various line items, including Contingency, within the General Fund and Capital Improvements Fund as authorized by NRS 354.598005

Approved the debt management policy and capital improvement plan for 2022-2023.

Proposed an Ordinance to amend Lyon County Code Title 15, the Lyon County land use and development code; Chapters 15.607.01 (A); 15.607.04 (A); 15.607.04 (B); 15.607.05 (A); 15.607.05 (B); 15.607.06 (A);15.607.06 (D) and 15.607.06 (E); to authorize the Community Development Director to approve final subdivision map applications as allowed under Nevada Revised Statutes 278.380.

Approved revisions to Chapter 7 Public Facilities and Services of the 2020 Comprehensive Master Plan update to include above-ground utility corridors as required by Nevada Revised Statutes 278.165.

Approved eliminating one vacant deputy position and using the savings to upgrade three existing deputy positions to sergeant positions and increase services and supplies as well.