June Matheus, President of the Bi-Valley RPEN reported the following:
Bi-Valley RPEN (Retired Public Employees of Nevada) hosted special speakers: Yerington City Manager Robert Switzer and Yerington Mayor John Garry at their last meeting.
Each speaker shared some personal background information and fielded many questions regarding the current Water & Sewer Project.
Mr. Switzer said: “Angela Moore is the city’s full time Grants Coordinator for the project and is in continuous contact with Q & D Construction company.”
This construction is affecting many businesses as well as the homes of local citizens. It is funded by millions of dollars in grants and loans.
Both men expressed that they were pleased to be in the new offices at the remodeled former National Guard Armory building.
The current phase of the water & sewer project is scheduled to end in September of 2022.
Debbie Hall Gilmore Presents Program on Bees at RPEN Meeting on February 22nd
The Bi-Valley Chapter of retired public employees of NV (RPEN) will meet for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday February 22, at 8:00 A.M. at the Lions Club. The program will be presented by Debbie Hall Gilmore re: “Bees”! Recently there has been renewed interest in having a Bee Hive in your own yard and growing plants that will sustain them.
Members are urged to bring a new retiree as part of building membership. By attending monthly meetings, a retiree can keep abreast of changing issues affecting their retirement and health care concerns. The RPEN Chapter will have coffee, but members are urged to bring your own breakfast snack ! There will be a report from the State Office from Terri Laird regarding the legislative committee meeting held on February 8 and 9 in Carson City.
For further information contact June Matheus, 775-463-2143 or Rita Evasovic 775-463-3046

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