March 12, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Commission Asked to Propose Ordinance Addressing Manufactured Homes and Requiring 2-car Garage

December 16, 2021, The Lyon County Board of Commissioners will be asked to propose two ordinances. The first is an ordinance that will require all Manufactured Homes to be placed on a permanent foundation, require a 2 car garage on all parcels that a manufactured home is installed and not allow any manufactured home that is more than six years old to be installed in Lyon County.

At the March 4, 2021, Lyon County Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Keller requested staff prepare a code amendment to require new manufactured homes to be used as a single-family residential dwelling unit under Chapter 15.351.03 (A) and (B) to be placed on a traditional full poured-in-place foundation versus an 8-point foundation and include a minimum 2-car garage.

At their November 9, 2021 meeting, the Lyon County Planning Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to forward a recommendation of approval of the proposed code amendment.

The second ordinance will require a two-car garage to be built with any single-family residential dwelling. At their November 9, 2021 meeting, the Lyon County Planning Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to forward a recommendation of approval of the proposed code amendment.

A copy of the ordinances can be found by clicking the following links:

Manufactured Home Ordinance:

Single Family Residence Ordinance:

If the ordinances are proposed on the 16th then the Board will conduct a second hearing in January and take action to approve or deny the ordinance.

Jeffery A. Page

Lyon County Manager/Emergency Management Director
27 South Main Street
Yerington, NV 89447
(775) 463-6531/(775) 577-5037
(775) 302-7088 (Cell)
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