February 9, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Lyon County Releases RFP for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Franchise

Lyon County Community Development released the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal today (December 8, 2021)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lyon County, Nevada will receive written, sealed proposals only, for the SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL FRANCHISE (as described in request for proposal specifications).
Said proposals will be received and opened publicly by the Lyon County Clerk/Treasurer, located at 27 South Main Street, Yerington, Nevada 89447 NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on January 31, 2022.
The Board of Lyon County Commissioners, at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 3, 2022 may tentatively award the franchise. Proposals postmarked but not received by January 31, 2022 will not be accepted. Proposer submittals may not be sent via the Internet/e-mail and will not be entertained for award by Lyon County.
The right is reserved to accept or reject any Bid/Proposal or to accept any combination of proposals deemed by Lyon County to be in the best interest of Lyon County. Lyon County reserves the right to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in the proposal process.
PROPOSERS MAY obtain a Request for Proposal packet from the Lyon County Community Development Department located at 27 South Main Street, Yerington, Nevada 89447 or on the County’s website at: http://www.lyon-county.org.
Proposers are to bid on all of the items listed in the Request for Proposal Conditions and Specifications. All Proposals are to be delivered in sealed envelopes, marked: “RFP Number 21/10, Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Franchise.”
For further information, contact Lyon County Community Development – Planning Division at (775) 463- 6591; Option 2. The individual responsible for coordinating this bid is: Andrew Haskin, Community Development Director; ahaskin@lyon-county.org
Jeff Page

Jeffery A. Page

Lyon County Manager/Emergency Management Director
27 South Main Street
Yerington, NV 89447
(775) 463-6531/(775) 577-5037
(775) 302-7088 (Cell)
You can find us on the internet at www.lyon-county.org or Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/LyonCountyNV/