The Lyon County Planning Commission met on November 9, 2021, at 9:00 AM in Yerington, NV, and took the following action:
Recommended approval of a zone change request from Miles Minerals: The applicant has submitted a zone change application to change the current zoning on four parcels totaling approximately 19.38 acres from C-1 (Limited Commercial), M-1 (General Industrial), and RR-3T (Third Rural Residential – 5 acre minimum with Manufactured Home Overlay) to EMU (Employment Mixed Use). Located east of the Silver Springs Airport.
A copy of the request and staff report can be found at:
Recommended approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map from Robert & Janine Landsted at 5025 Cheyenne Trail: The applicant proposes that the above-referenced approximately 6.42 acre site be subdivided into four (4) parcels through the parcel map subdivision process. Proposed Parcels 1, 2 and 3 would be approximately 1.54 acres and the remaining Parcel 4 would be approximately 1.79 acres in size. A copy of the request and staff report can be found at:
Recommended denial: Michael & Claudia Casey – Master Plan Amendment – Request for a master plan amendment to change the 2010 Comprehensive Master Plan land use designation from Highway Corridor Mixed Use (HCMU) to Suburban Residential on seventeen (17) parcels ranging in size from 0.95 acre to 0.26 acre in size generally located on the west side of US 95A between Idaho Avenue and Spruce Avenue, Silver Springs. The recommended denial was based upon the applicant requesting the item be pulled. A copy of the request and staff report can be found at:
Recommended approval: Scott R. & Kathy L. Austin – Zoning Map Amendment – Request for a zoning map amendment to change the zoning on an approximately 11,023 sq. ft. parcel from C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) to SR-9000 (Single Family Residential – 9,000 square foot minimum) located at 34 Penrose Drive, Mason Valley. A copy of the request and staff report can be found at:
Recommended approval: Review and Discussion revisions to Lyon County Code Title 15, Chapter 15.351.04 – Manufactured Homes Design Standards; to require the installation of a full engineered foundation and a two-car garage for manufactured homes used as single-family residential dwelling unit pursuant to Chapter 15.35103 (A) and (B) of the Lyon County Code. a copy of the staff report and draft ordinance can be found at:
Recommended approval: Review and Discussion revisions to Lyon County Code Title 15, Chapters 15.341.07; 15.342.06; 15.343.03; 15.346.03; 15.347.03; 15.1200.04 – Single Family Residential Standards; to require two-car garages for single-family residential dwelling units. A copy of the staff report and draft ordinance can be found at:

Jeffery A. Page
Yerington, NV 89447
(775) 463-6531/(775) 577-5037
(775) 302-7088 (Cell)
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