March 12, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Lyon County, Nevada Commissioners: Wes Henderson, Dave Hockaday, Vida Keller, Ken Gray, Robert Jacobson. Photo courtesy of Lyon County, Nevada.

Lyon County Commission meets in Fernley on October 21, 2021

The Lyon County Board of Commissioners will meet on October 21, 2021, at 9:00 AM at the Fernley City Hall. The Board of Commissioners will be considering many items, including:


August 24, 2021, the Board conducted a workshop to discuss the Solid Waste Franchise and provide County staff with the level and types of services they expect in a franchise. Lyon County Community Development staff developed the proposed language for a Request for Proposal (RFP) and draft Franchise Agreement for the Board’s consideration. If the Board approves the documents, the RFP will be advertised, and the Board will be asked to award the franchise later this year.


The Board will be asked to approve a resolution declaring November to be Indigenous Peoples Month. This item is a holdover from the October 7, 2021 meeting. The Board had problems with portions of the resolution proposed by Commissioner Henderson. Commissioner Keller proposed an alternative resolution. The Board voted to table the issue and bring back a resolution with language the Board could agree upon.


The Board will be asked to approve the receipt of $746,057.00 in grants for the Department of Human Services and approve a contract with Consumer Direct Services, LLC to provide services to individuals within the Senior Services Case Management program. The Board will also be looking at approving a contract with Carl E.G. Arnold, ESQ to provide conflict counsel services for indigent defense.


The Board will be asked to approve a resolution to create an advisory ballot question for the next general election to determine if a majority of the voters want the special district to be created by the Lyon County Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners will also need to designate the area that would be included in the proposed district and the proposed tax rate for the advisory question. (Requested by Commissioner Gray)


The Board will be asked to approve two separate resolutions addressing bonding issues.

Approve a resolution of the Lyon County Board of Commissioners to set a blanket fidelity bond for all eligible County officials, except for the Treasurer, for the maximum allowed under Nevada Revised Statutes for each official or $100,000, whichever is less.

Approve a resolution of the Lyon County Board of Commissioners to set an official bond in the amount of $100,000 for the County Treasurer.


The Board will be asked to approve the County Managers performance appraisal as presented by Lyon County Human Resources. Each Commissioner was provided an evaluation form and given several weeks to rate the County Manager. Those scores were tabulated and comments were incorporated onto a master evaluation form. The Board has directed that the various Department Directors also evaluate the performance of the County Manager and that consolidated report is included with the Board evaluation. The Board will also consider giving the County Manager a 2.5% pay raise as provided to County employees with a satisfactory performance appraisal.


Lyon County Human Services and the Healthy Communities Coalition will present the Board information on Social Equity.

The Board meeting will be conducted at the Fernley City Council Chambers. For additional information on the meeting, agenda and backup materials please click on ourĀ agenda link

Jeff Page

Jeffery A. Page

Lyon County Manager/Emergency Management Director
27 South Main Street
Yerington, NV 89447
(775) 463-6531/(775) 577-5037