March 12, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Curtailing Small Residential Lots: Lyon Co Commissioners Pass Ordinance 21-04

The Board of Commissioners approved a pair of ordinances that curtail amend the development lot sizes smaller than 9000 square feet.

Ordinance 21-04 changes the minimum lot size on parcels zoned as Neighborhood Residential from 4500 square feet to 9000 square feet unless one or more of the following conditions is met:

  1. Existing and new development within the Silver City community boundary for parcels less than 9,000 square feet in size;
  2. Existing and new development in that portion of Dayton located within the Comstock Historic District for parcels less than 9,000 square feet in size;
  3. Property within the unincorporated area of Lyon County already having an NR-1 zoning  designation
  4. Those parcels zoned NR (Neighborhood Residential – 4,500 square foot minimum) as of May 7, 2021;
  5. As a template for small lot subdivision development standards within a new Planned Unit Development application.
  6. Property within the unincorporated area of Lyon County has a vested development right for residential lots smaller than 9,000 square feet, such as an approved specific  plan.

Ordinance 21-05 changes Lyon County code 15.349 by amending the calculation of allowable residential density based on net acreage to gross density in Planned Unit Developments (PUD).

January 2021, the Board of Commissioners requested staff to bring forward amendments to County Code to address their concerns of the smaller lots sizes. Staff produced the language in ordinance 21-05 to enhance consistency with neighboring jurisdictions.

Jeffery A. Page
Lyon County Manager/Emergency Management Director