Dawn Rafferty graciously submitted these photos. There may be someone here that you remember. A few of these kids pictured...
Dale and her sister Karen operated the Victorian Inn in Yerington, Nevada for many years. Dale and her husband, Dave,...
The car show was already in "full swing" by 9am. Temperatures were heating up and so was the crowd. Don...
Mason Valley Resident Jimmy Prater with his 1929 Model A Ford. ~LMW 06/18/2021 It was 7am and there was one...
On Thursday afternoon, June 17, 2021 Kevin Durham of Yerington died while trying to swim from a raft toward the...
Mother spider carrying her spiderlets. For the 2nd time in 2 days, a local Mason Valley household has relocated a...
Mason Valley is home to the newest Nevada State Park: the Walker River State Recreation Area. It stretches along 29...
According to an article in CarsonNow.org (https://www.carsonnow.org/story/06/10/2021/china-spring-youth-camp-boy-s-program-douglas-county-temporarily-closes?fbclid=IwAR2ZK4vRLLFmcMnlokEu6zikO-0tdMuwyGPp4ash1XkwrC650IGmsSuYGJ4) Submitted by Jeff Munson on Thu, 06/10/2021 as a Douglas County news release: "China...
Annett Crow March 24, 1941 - June 06, 2021 Well-known Yerington educator Annett Louise Crow unexpectedly passed away at her...
This article was written by Estelle Moore in 1982. Estelle was the mother of Pizenswitchtimes.com Editor Leah Moore Wilkinson. June...