October 17, 2024

The Pizen Switch Times

Established 2021

An Adult Lizard looking for Freda's Tail...

The Ongoing Saga of Freda the Lizard’s Lost Tail…and Found Friends

~Written and photographed by photojournalist Roberta Bryant~

“The Adventures of Freda the Lizard”:

Freda was getting larger so she was shedding her skin and I am not sure but I think she must have been really worried. She lost her tail too.

Mr. Quail could not find Freda’s tail.

Her friends looked everywhere for her tail.

Mr. Adult Lizard looking for Freda’s Tail…

They even checked with an adult lizard and he said to tell her it was normal: “she will get a beautiful new skin and her tail will grow back.”

Little Miss Antelope Squirrel cupped her hands to her mouth and squeaked, “Freda, where are you?”


Is Freda in the flower pot? Is her tail in the flower pot?!


Little Miss Antelope Squirrel didn’t see Freda, so she decided to eat a snack. “Whoops! You caught me with my cheeks full!”

It was getting dark they will have to stop…and then…oh Happy Day…they found her and she is back in the flower box and on the step.