March 11, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

In a 3 to 2 Vote, BOCC Rejects Library Board of Trustees Replacement Recommendation, Appoints Patti Palmer to Vacancy

Yerington, Nevada – 2 hours and 20 minutes into the Lyon County Board of Commissioners meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2025, Agenda item 17a was addressed to possibly appoint a trustee to the vacant position on the Lyon County Library Board.

On January 28, 2025 at the Lyon County Library Board of Trustees meeting, 8 candidates applying for the trustee vacancy appeared before the Library Board to individually present a speech and answer 7 questions from the Board. After 3 hours of speeches, interviews, and numerous public comments, the Library Board chose to recommend Suzanne Prouty of Fernley to the County Commissioners to serve in the trustee vacancy. The other 7 candidates were not informed that they should consider attending the Commissioner Meeting on February 6, in case the Commissioners would want to hear from them or in the case that the Commissioners should decide not to follow the Library Board of TRUSTEES’ recommendation.

Candidates Suzanne Prouty, Summer Merrill, and Patti Palmer spoke before the Commissioners. Candidates Hillary Dashiell, Lynn Evans, Lisa Selmi, John Stevens and Jim Wilkinson were not present in person or online with Zoom.

 Commissioner Dave Hockaday, District 5: “One of the things that I always look at in these applications is the number of meetings that people have attended for these boards. I feel its real important for them to kinda get a feel for what is going on with these boards especially if you have a desire to be on them. I do see alot of times that people will apply and they’ve never been to a meeting at all. So, you know, I would say that if people want somewhat of my support, that it’s a good idea for them to at least Zoom in on these meetings.”

Commissioner Cassinelli, District 1: “I agree with Commissioner Hockaday and I’d like to say ‘thank you’ to all the applicants. There are some real great applications here and I personally know 3 of these people, 2 of them I’ve know a long, long time…family vacations, holidays and things like that. But that’s not what this thing is about today. It’s about selecting the right candidate that’s right for the job. That’s what I feel like I am going to do today and I hope my friends will respect that.”

Commissioner Hendrix, District 3: “We had one application before all the others before this blew up into a big issue and I think this says something that this person wanted to get involved before it became a hot issue and so that’s going to be the person that I’m going to support.”

Commissioner Jacobson, District 4: This has the same feel regarding significance to get this right as our North Lyon County Fireboard appointment. And I’m not downplaying other board appointments, whether it’s from our local CABs (Community Advisory Boards) to whatever. I do believe North Lyon County needs representation on this board; and to make my decision even more difficult, both the people I trust to do a good job are from Fernley: Patti Palmer and Miss Prouty. Much like the aforementioned appointment with the North Lyon County Fireboard, I have lost a little sleep over this. But I want to make sure I get it right on my vote. I’ve said I’ve narrowed it down to the two ladies, and while I think Miss Palmer would do a fantastic job, I know she would, I just can’t get past Miss Prouty’s background and work within the library system. From I’m a big fan of Constitution principal the Republican ladies would bring in Constitutions and do Constitution Day. That kind of patriotism strike me as very valuable. So I will bring my vote towards Miss Prouty but I do want to wholeheartedly thank Miss Palmer. I know she is a wonderful lady and has incredible integrity…very difficult decision.”

Commissioner Keller, District 2: “I’m looking at this too and I have to agree with Commissioner Jacobson as far as I think the representation should come out of Fernley. That’s where it’s needed; that’s the spot that’s actually vacating a little bit. I have sat on boards for years as far as the advisory boards, and this is basically another board that I think that I kind of look at to see who’s better off with the public, what type of balance on that board. So the balance is very important to me, because I don’t like boards that are done one direction and one direction only. It kind of like I don’t even like how we get the recommendation from the library board at this point in time and that’s because they’re picking their own board. I didn’t really, I don’t feel good with that. I feel like this board should have a diversity about it, about the whole community. And I know Patti Palmer came here to be on the commission and I no to her but I knew she was going to be on for this. So my vote’s going to go with Patti Palmer at the moment but I still want to listen to public comment and then bring it to back to the board.”

After listening to public comments from some people in support of present library practices and trustees (which align with Nevada Library Governance and Public Library Trustees and who supported Suzanne Prouty to fill the trustee vacancy; and some in support of changing library practices, removing/moving some library materials, urging all trustees to resign (or for commissioners to remove these same trustees) except for Chairman Deanne Davis and/or recommending Patti Palmer as trustee; the Lyon County Board of Commissioners further commented:

Commissioner Tammy Hendrix: “I realize that Suzanne Prouty has a great resume but we’re not hiring a librarian. What we need is a trustee with common sense and especially right now someone who knows how to bring opposing factions together to work towards a goal. And her professional ability gives her that skill and I think that’s important for Patty Palmer. That’s who I’m going to vote for.”

Chairman Scott Keller: “A couple things that I wanted to just respond to a little bit. One is that people keep saying ‘use the current procedure: the current procedure is just a recommendation from that. The current procedure is this board makes that decision, so it’s not a pass through, it’s not a rubber stamp. I just want to make sure the public knows it’s not that way. And I hear a lot about book burning and everything else, and I don’t think any of that was on our topic. I don’t think either one of these applicants would be out burning books, so that’s just my feeling. I’ll entertain a motion.”

Commissioner Hendrix: “I’d like to nominate Patricia Palmer to the Library Board of Trustees with the term expiring June 30th, 2028.”

Chairman Scott Keller: “I’ll second that motion. Those in favor say ‘Aye’.”

Hendrix: “Aye.” Keller: “Aye.” Hockaday: “Aye.”

Chairman Keller: “Those against say ‘Nay’.”

Jacobson: “Nay.” Cassinelli: “Nay.”

Chairman Keller: “Motion passes 3 to 2.”

BOCC Late Backup for February 6, 2025 Meeting including letters, emails, etc.:

You Tube link to complete video of Lyon County Board of Commissioners Meeting on February 6, 2025:

Article on January 28, 2025 Library Board Meeting: