February 13, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

LCSO Sheriff Brad Pope’s Message of the Week : February 10, 2023

Message of the Week 02/10/2023

In May of last year, I authored a message of the week in reference to launching the Junior Deputy program, commonly referred to as a Police Explorer program. This program, is a primary goal of mine and we expect it to launch it in April.

During the County Commissioners meeting on 02/02/2023, I asked for, and was granted a line item in the Sheriff’s Office budget, specifically for accepting donations for the Junior Deputy program.

We are excited at the progress being made in the development of the program.

The initial program will be launched in Dayton and will accept youth ages 16-20. Our School Resource Officers will be required to act as advisors for the program. The purpose of the program will be to prepare young adults for a career in Law Enforcement as a:

Deputy Sheriff, Police Officer, Police Dispatcher, Evidence Technician, and many other Law Enforcement related careers.

Below is information pertaining to the Junior Deputy Program, available for ages 16-20:

– Meetings will be held bi-weekly at the substations or other venues and will last 2.5 hours. An annual meeting of all of the Junior Deputy groups will be held in order for the squads to network and compete in inter-squad competition. The annual meeting will be an all-day event.
-The Junior Deputy program will be taught in “academy style” format with lessons on basic police function and events. Members from the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office and surrounding agencies will teach the Junior Deputies. Junior Deputies will learn LYSO codes, criminal definitions and other information necessary for success during the hiring process and beyond.
– New Junior Deputies will be accepted twice a year, in April and October.
-Junior Deputies will be required to wear a uniform and modified duty belt unique to our Junior Deputy program. Uniform inspections will be conducted at every meeting.
– Junior Deputies will be required to complete eight hours of community service per calendar month. Volunteer experience can set you apart from other applicants for job and school applications. By volunteering, recruiters will see that you are ambitious and that you care about your community.
– Junior Deputies will be required to “ride along “with Patrol Deputies so they may see firsthand what Lyon County Deputies do on a daily basis.
– Junior Deputies will learn responsibility to self and others through leadership opportunities.
– Exercise is beneficial to a teen’s overall health and helps develop life-long fitness habits. Our physical fitness standards are established to prepare you for success during the testing process.

– The Junior Deputy program will help prepare youth to deal with life’s challenges. With good mental health you are more likely to develop in positive ways, build strong relationships, and adapt to change.

I have been involved in coaching and mentoring the youth of this community for over 16 years. I know the importance a mentor plays in the lives of our youth. I have seen the difference that I and other Deputies make in youths lives through coaching and mentoring. Many of our community problems are generational cycles, whether its drug abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic violence, or just a life of crime. The Junior Deputy program can help break those cycles, and provide a positive view on a career in Law Enforcement.

Sheriff Brad Pope