October 17, 2024

The Pizen Switch Times

Established 2021

Phil Wooley of Dayton, Nevada Steps Up to Serve His Community, Again : Lyon County Board of Commissioners

On Thursday, January 5, 2023 Phil Wooley of Dayton, Nevada decided to “throw his hat into the ring” and applied for the vacancy on the Lyon County Board of Commissioners left open when (former) Commissioner Ken Gray was elected to serve in the Nevada State Legislature in Fall of 2022.

The Lyon County Board of Commissioners is seeking applications for County Commissioner for District 3. The District 3 seat, which covers parts of Dayton, all of Stagecoach, and parts of Silver Springs, was vacated by Ken Gray with his recent election to the Nevada State Assembly.

Under Nevada law, a vacancy on the county commission is filled by the Governor.

Governor Lombardo has requested the County Commission accept applications and recommend three candidates for the position.

Pizen Switch Times writes: Phil Wooley is known all around Lyon County, Nevada for starting & leading the Desert Pigs Organization of volunteers that spends weekends cleaning up illegal dumping areas in the desert around Fernley, Silver Springs, Dayton, Moundhouse, Stagecoach, Yerington, +.

Phil organizes blood drives and rallies Lyon County residents “remember to donate” while he puts out his own arm to give some of his own blood.

In 2019, Phil donated his kidney so that another person, previously unknown to him, could live.

Phil serves at the various food banks in Lyon County, recently organizing a volunteer work force in Yerington when the Yerington volunteers were hit by illness.

When Naomi Irion went missing in Fernley early on in 2022, Phil was there searching with other volunteers until Naomi was found.

Phil and his volunteer crew deliver firewood to Off Grid Kids OGK.

Phil Wooley is a community leader and organizer for activities that benefit all residents of Lyon County.


Phil wrote:

“Who am I? Nobody special, really. I’m just a middle-aged kid from Georgia, who’s made a home and family in Nevada over the past 20+ years. ”

“I never seriously considered actually serving on the Board of County Commissioners, but I understand this is a serious role.

Ever since Ken Gray posted links on Facebook to write the governor in support of his pick to take his old job, my Facebook Messenger has been chiming like crazy. Several citizens reached out to me, encouraging me to apply for the position. I decided if this many people believe in me, it’s worth a shot.

Why me?

…I’m actually asking myself right now

Again, I wasn’t considering this move before yesterday [January 5th]. As I write this blog post today on January 6th, I understand I’m possibly not the most qualified applicant. The only times I’ve been at the Government Center in Yerington, were to fight to keep my job, then to receive an award from the commissioners. It’s very safe to say that I have zero interest in making a career out of politics. I do, however feel I could be useful to my community while occupying this seat.

I am currently in training to become a certified Community Health Worker. I am employed with Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey Counties as a volunteer coordinator, paid by the new Diabetes Prevention and Control grant offered by the State. In my “spare time” I host blood drives and lead cleanup operations in the desert trails all over Nevada. I have much concern for the health, safety and general welfare of people around me – so much so, that I gave a kidney to save a man in my neighborhood in 2019.

While I have never been very vocal about my political opinions to the general public, I am a Republican, and I agree with most conservative views. I also know it’s important to listen to some liberal points, and keep an open mind. Political parties are not sports teams, and should never be treated as such. Holding contempt for any political party as a whole, is ignorant and unacceptable for anyone in this position. I promise that I will NOT be pushing to spend taxpayer money to rename buildings after my favorite Republican leaders.

The most I can offer to Lyon County, is honesty and and genuine concern for its people. I want to see my community healthy and treated fairly, knowing their voices are heard. I’m not reaching for a higher office, nor do I have any ties to any special interest groups. I just care enough to put in extra work for my fellow citizens.

Reach out to the commissioners, and let them know your reasons why I should (or should not) be appointed to the position of Lyon County Commissioner District 3.


Then talk the boss!

Note: If  Steve Sisolak’s name still shows up on the form when you visit the site, that’s just a detail missed in the body copy of their page. The messages go to Lombardo.”

Phil has his community written all over his face:


Phil Wooley (Right) with David Mickelsen in 2019 when Phil donated his kidney to David. Photo credit to Chuck Muth: