Friday, May 20th, 2022 : Local resident Shanna Alves is a Community Health Worker employed with Heathy Community Coalition (HCC) and manages the Yerington Food Pantry. Shanna reports that Keith Neiswonger, retired Yerington postal worker and current Food Pantry Volunteer, was contacted by Postmaster Raja Mosafa for assistance with the donated food. Keith, in turn, met with Shanna and Americorps Community Health Worker (CHW) James Kusmerz and others to plan for the distribution of food that postal customers donated in the annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on May 14th, 2022.

Area Postal Carriers collected 11 giant hampers of food donated by local residents last Saturday.
Yesterday, the Keystone Club from Boys and Girls Clubs of Mason Valley helped to load 5120 pounds of food into the Club’s box truck to be weighed, free of charge, at the Nevada Hay Growers Association scales. LDS Elders also donated their enthusiastic lifting skills to this project along with Americorps Volunteer James Kusmerz and others.
Meanwhile, Keith Neiswonger took the photos of the activities.
The donated food will be distributed through the Yerington Food Bank to combat food insecurity.

Pizen Switch Times thanks Shanna Alves for contributing photos and information for this article.
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